Big design-build infrastructure projects often turn out to be money-losers for design-build contractors, preventing contractors from covering their overhead, much less earning a profit, according to a new study. Large highway and bridge projects, many involving public-private partnerships, are the least profitable of all infrastructure work.

Carried out by Travelers National Construction Services Surety team, the study looked at 224 highway, bridge, rail, transit and tunnel projects with different project delivery methods from 2004 to 2020. All projects had contract values between $250 million and $4 billion and almost all were projects on which Travelers had been the surety or co-surety.


“If the contractor had design liability, in general the average profit margin fell by 77%,” says Stan Halliday, chief underwriting officer for Travelers contract surety.


With Congress now weighing a big infrastructure funding measure, Halliday says that “if P3s are part of it, we have to rethink what we are doing. Contractors are aware of the problems but I’m not sure the owners believe them.”

There is a recent possible example, not mentioned in the study summary.



Halliday says that in CM/GC arrangements, where the construction manager provides a price guarantee, and progressive design-build procurement models, work better. Those delivery methods usually involve the contractor or design-builder in the earliest phases of design development so that it can set the guaranteed maximum price at 50% to 75% or higher of the design.


According to Travelers' study, CM/GC contracts "produce few if any unresolved claims and under-billings on infrastructure work, allowing contractors to make their expected profit.”


Response to Design-Build Problems

美国设计建造学院首席执行官丽莎·华盛顿(Lisa Washington)指出,复杂的大型项18luck官网目的预算过高并超出了时间表,这是许多原因。并非所有人都可以追溯到设计构建。

But the Travelers study is another example that design-build "is not a panacea," says Washington, and must be executed with the proper amount of collaboration and experienced leadership in order to fulfill its promise.

"A mind-shift is needed. It’s a mindset as well as a contract," she adds.

为了解决潜在的缺陷,DBIA has had a "design-build done right" educational initiative since 2014 and this year will be exploring in its programs where design-build was done wrong.

Travelers, too, believes some of the poor results are due to on contractors' underestimating the risks on some of these mega-procurements.

But the infrastructure study is important, Travelers says in a statement released with its study summary, because work should be done in a way that minimizes disputes, provides greater certainty about timely completion, best protects taxpayer dollars "and allows the contractors to have a reasonable chance of achieving an acceptable financial return."