明尼苏达州上诉法院维持了州监管机构对一家发电公司提议的7亿美元天然气发电厂的批准,这是必要和可靠的,比可再生能源更可靠。8月23日的裁决支持估计的525兆瓦Nemadji Trail Energy Center的建设,此前是在项目对手的挑战之后,他们表示将加速气候变化的影响。


The plant is a joint venture between the company and Wisconsin-based Dairyland Power that is proposed to be built in Superior, Wis. It needed Minnesota regulatory approval because Minnesota Power wants to charge state ratepayers for its construction and operation

plainitffs,包括明尼苏达州中心for Environmental Advocacy, Sierra Club, and the Union of Concerned Scientists, termed the ruling “disappointing,” contending that no new fossil fuel plants should be built. They point to Minnesota Power’s own plan to becarbon free by 2050as evidence of the need to address climate change issues.

明尼苏达州中心的参谋部律师斯蒂芬妮·菲茨杰拉德(Stephanie Fitzgerald)表示:“这一决定可能维持了明尼苏达州的财务协议,但并未表明对压裂天然气基础设施的7亿美元投资……最能满足公众利益。”

Minnesota Power said the center “will facilitate the transition of the company’s planned coal unit retirements" and is is part of its plan to reduce carbon by 80% and achieve coal-free operations by 2035. The company said it is the first utility in the state to achieve delivery of 50% renewable energy to its customers.




明尼苏达州最高法院于8月24日拒绝听取Enbridge Energy第3行替代项目的反对者的上诉,该项目现在允许6月的上诉法院裁定,该裁决维持了监管机构的批准,以进行建设。该公司表示,这家337英里的明尼苏达州连接是石油公司从加拿大西部进行的196OS时代管道的主要替代者中的最后一次链接,该公司可能最早在下个月开始运营。

即便如此,对手在第3行的工作地点已经抗议了几个月,并于8月下旬在美国陆军工程兵团的华盛顿特区总部出现。他们希望总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)命令该机构取消该项目的关键水交叉许可证。