在急救人员在8月29日飓风艾达(Ida)在路易斯安那州岸上的一天中继续搜查和救援行动,这是4级飓风,持续的风量为每小时150英里及更高,该州开始了长期的任务来评估风暴损失 - 从路易斯安那州四昌港,该港口处理了美国近海石油交通的18%,到新奥尔良,巴吞鲁日的州首都和该州的北部边界。

“The next several days and weeks will not be easy,” Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards (D) said during an afternoon press conference Aug. 30.

新奥尔良市长拉托亚·坎特雷尔(Latoya Cantrell)说,该市没有广泛的重大破坏,也没有关于大规模生命损失的报道。爱德华兹(Edwards)表示,在路易斯安那州,有18次冲水系统影响312,000人,14人影响了329,000多人。

The region's power grid took the storm's major blow, largely from the impact of high winds. More than 47% of Louisiana homes were without power as of the morning of Aug. 30, according to the US Dept. of Energy.

[Read more about Ida's impacts to Louisiana's power grid here]

对最糟糕的地区的结构评估,例如Fort Fourchon和Grand Isle,Ida登上岸上,仍在进行中。代表南路易斯安那州的美国众议员加勒特·格雷夫斯(R)飞越港口,并拍摄了看似平稳的港口设施的照片。


By all reports, the $14.6-billion飓风和风暴损害降低风险系统,在2005年卡特里娜飓风之后建造,阻止了新奥尔良大都会地区的洪水泛滥。

“坚硬的结构保持了。The pump stations held up and they did their part," says Wayne E. Jones, project manager at Traylor Bros, involved in the structure's construction. "It’s the soft structures outside the perimeter storm surge defenses that took the hit, but they did provide a great benefit to protect everything else.”

Jones planned and executed constructionof the $1-billion Inner Harbor Navigation Channel Storm Surge Barrier in New Orleans, part of the hurricane risk and reduction system. He received ENR's 2013 Award of Excellence for his leadership on that project.

美国陆军工程兵团新奥尔良地区发言人马特·罗(Matt Roe)说,新奥尔良地区没有任何堤坝上市的报道。

“The system performed as designed during the event," he said. "Locally, our immediate focus is that as soon as it is safe to do so, we will have boots on the ground and experts in the air to assess any damages that may have occurred during the storm."


"Near LaPlace [in St. John Parish], they had a lot of flooding, but it’s not an area that is protected very well," says Lewis “Ed” Link, a University of Maryland senior research engineering professor who helped guide work on the new levee project. Link was ENR's 2007 Award of Excellence winner for his work on the failure analysis following Katrina.



艾达似乎已使该地区的主要transportation infrastructure, although sections of Interstate 10 and other major roadways in and around New Orleans remain closed as a result of high water, fallen trees, debris and downed power lines. In LaPlace, I-10 was beneath 4 ft of water, according to the state Dept. of Transportation and Development. In Mississippi, flooding, sand over-wash and debris closed a 29-mile coastal stretch of U.S. Route 90 between Biloxi and Bay St. Louis.

South of New Orleans, high water and debris also closed several roads connecting Jefferson Parish’s most remote communities, including Grand Isle, at the southernmost end of State Route 1. Parish officials also reported that a barge impact had structurally compromised a 522-ft-long swing bridge spanning Bayou Barataria, isolating dozens of residents in adjacent communities.

In Chalmette, east of New Orleans, the status of up to 22 barges reported to be loose in the Mississippi River during Ida’s peak remained unknown as of the afternoon of Aug. 30. The New Orleans Regional Transit Authority also reported two passenger ferries that broke free of their moorings Sunday night had run aground.


The US Dept. of Energy said several pipelines shut down operations in advance of the storm as part of standard precautions. Colonial Pipeline Lines 1 and 2, which travel from Houston to Greensboro, N.C., were shut on Aug. 29 as part of routine safety measures, the company said..


These refineries account for about 2.3 million barrels per day of U.S. refinery capacity, or about 13% of total U.S. operable refining capacity, according to DOE. Production at major chemical and petrochemical complexes, including those of Dow Chemical, ExxonMobil, Formosa Plastics and Westlake Chemical, was also shut ahead of the storm, which energy and industrial analyst S&P Global said could lead to a shortage of plastics for building materials, such as PVC pipe.

“Our members are actively assessing their facilities and infrastructure while monitoring flooding conditions on the ground and ongoing weather reports,” says Suzanne Lemieux, director of operations security and emergency response at the American Petroleum Institute. “Operators will continue coordinating with federal and state authorities to mitigate risks and address any potential disruptions to fuel supply while working to resume supplying the energy that’s critical to emergency response.”

Hospital Roof Damage Is Widespread


路易斯安那州最大的Hosptal网络Ochsner Health报告了其合作伙伴医院,Houma的Terrebonne General Medical Center以及Raceland的St. Anne Hospital和Houma的Leonard J. Chabert Medical Center的屋顶损坏。

Speaking in an online media briefing on Aug. 30, Ochsner CEO Warner Thomas said teams have already been deployed to put temporary roofing in place.

“I would say probably every facility we have had some sort of roof issue, and we had water intrusion. There were different magnitudes,” Thomas said. Ochsner has about 15 hospitals that were in the storm’s path. “We’re talking about water coming through the roofs, running down walls and coming through windows given the sustained wind. We had a few windows blow in. It’s not like we had catastrophic roof failures, but we certainly had a lot of water.”

Contractors Take Stock of Jobsites


发言人克里斯蒂安·桑尼尔(Kristian Sonnier)说,瑞安·戈特(Ryan Gootee)在路易斯安那州梅特里(Metairie)的总承包商(Orleans Parish)拥有大约十二个工作岗位,计划部署团队以尽快评估这些地点。但是,全市缺乏权力和关键基础设施可能会使事情变得复杂。

Sonnier says assessing personal property and personnel safety will be the firm’s first priority. “Our superintendents did a really good job of battening down the hatches before the weather came. But it’s going to take a while to get to those jobsites and assess them,” he says.

琼斯说,特雷洛·兄弟(Traylor Bros.)还在受影响区域正在进行一个项目,以取代贝尔·查斯(Belle Chasse)的桥梁和隧道系统。他说,在新桥上建设约为15%,但是该地点已经忙于运河和陆地上的起重机

“[We] had to tie down and pull out,” he says, and the crew is now scattered from Florida to Texas, which is an experience he thinks is particularly valuable for the younger workers who may not have been through such a storm before. “They need to know to run from the water and hide from the wind,” Jones says.

Communication has been a major concern. With cell service down and power out, many contractors could not gain a good sense of what was going on the day after the storm, says David Helveston, president and CEO of the Pelican Chapter of the Associated Builders and Contractors in Baton Rouge.


“Unfortunately, we’re getting all too good at this,” he says. “Contractors in Louisiana know how to quickly get onsite and mitigate damage and begin the long, slow process of rebuilding. And they will do it once again.”