In survey responses for the 2021 ENR’s Top International Contractors and Top International Design Firms rankings, companies reported infrastructure development and urbanization as driving forces behind some of the fastest growing global construction markets.

作为设计公司重组操作pandemic-ready, contractors are equally busy managing new project risks while also readying for a boom of new infrastructure projects in regions such as Asia, Australia, Europe and the U.S.

然而,对于许多公司而言,该地区呈现出长期业务增长的最大潜力是非洲。纽约市ARUP副主席Tristram Carfrae说:“非洲是最大的机会。”“随着人口的增长和城市化,它根本拥有将来建设的最大潜力。”

非洲开发银行集团估计,在Covid-19去年造成的2.1%的收缩后,非洲的真正GDP今年将增长约3.4%。该银行称,该大陆正处于“半个世纪以来最严重的经济衰退”之路。意大利Gruppo ICM的副总裁兼业务发展经理Giovanni Dolcetta说,如果承包商想在非洲不断增长的建筑市场中打破地面,他们将需要了解许多国家的外部和内部风险。

“Although the African market’s dynamics are very peculiar—and sometimes, the time for a tender to be expedited is very long—we see Africa as one of the most promising markets at the moment,” Dolcetta says. “The African continent is also a source of huge possibilities: many infrastructures are to be built, most of them financed by the European Investment Bank, various development banks and funds. Given our longstanding presence in Africa, we are following them.”

The following five projects being undertaken by firms appearing on ENR’s Top International Contractors and Design Firms lists highlight the multiple types of infrastructure developments underway on the continent.

1. ICM水疗中心:肯尼亚智慧城市的承包商

Konza Smart City

照片由Gruppo ICM提供

ICM Spa(第170号是肯尼亚首都内罗毕的Konza Techno City项目的第一阶段承包商。该项目有望将该国定位为可持续技术枢纽,并带有城市设施,吸引了该国概述的企业,工人和居民充满活力的企业,工人和居民Kenya Vision 2030目标。该开发实施机构Konza Technopolis开发局表示,该项目将在中期创造16,675个就业机会,完成后将创造超过200,000个工作岗位。根据计划的LEED和Envision认证,第一阶段包括设计审查,设计,采购,建筑和融资,用于开发完整的电气系统和24英里的景观街道,“配有排水设施和水分配,污水收集和处理,根据Gruppo ICM的说法。



阿富汗基础设施有限公司((第188号)signed a $419-million contract last year with the Ghana Railways Development Authority (GRDA) to develop 51 kilometers of railway from Eduadin to Obuasi in the Ashanti Region. The project started in July 2018 with an estimated three-year period for completion.

3. Itinera: Helping Build Okawango Bridge in Botswana


Photo courtesy of Itinera




4. TPF:帮助监督安哥拉大型灌溉项目的建设

Irrigation Project in Angola

tpf(第52号was selected to help supervise the construction of the Samba Cajú irrigation project in the province of Kwanza-Norte, Angola. When completed, it will irrigate more than 3,000 acres of land. “The company Owini chose us in particular to verify the construction process, to ensure the quality of the materials used (with particular attention paid to geotechnical properties) and to control the execution times of the works and costs of the project," says TPF in its 2019 annual report, which included information about the project.

5. DRA: Helping the Republic of Guinea Dig for Gold


照片由DRA Global Inc提供

根据世界银行的数据,几内亚共和国是世界上增长最快的GDP之一,其中包括2020年增长7%的增长。大部分增长是由该国的矿产财富,尤其是铝土矿,但也是黄金的。DRA Global Inc.(第60号was awarded the contract for one of Guinea’s newest gold mines, the Tri-K Gold project, after completion of a feasibility study. Long experience working in Africa prepared DRA Global to deliver during COVID-19. “We delivered projects in Africa during the Ebola outbreak so we have an idea of some of the requirements,” says Senior Vice President Christo Visser. Strict quarantine measures required a major commitment from on-site staff. “Some of them couldn’t get home for around six months to South Africa due to travel and quarantine restrictions,” says Visser. “Their and their families’ commitment have been absolutely admirable.”
