
新奥尔良市议会成员Helena Moreno发布了对Facebook的恩康利的评论,其中该实用程序表示一个选择恢复一些将新奥尔良及其郊区推向国家电网的八条传输线。这是效用的首选选择。

It could also create a mini electrical grid by not reconnecting to the larger grid and instead using generation from the 128-MW New Orleans Power Station east of the city’s core, and from the 560-MW Ninemile 6 plant, across the Mississippi River in Westwego, La., to power the city. Both are relatively new natural gas power plants.

[Read more about Hurricane Ida's impacts throughout Louisiana here]

Entergy没有提供时间表,但它已开始修复该地区周围的一些分销线。根据该实用程序,恢复将从医院恢复到医院 - 在发电机 - 护理家庭和第一个受访者上运行。然后,基于本地传输和分布损坏,恢复将因教区和邻域而异。

Questions have been raised why the New Orleans Power Station, which opened in 2020, had not been used earlier.

When the controversial natural gas plant was approved, Entergy touted that it has self-start capability, which allows the company to start the unit even when there is no power on the electric grid, and that the plant would help with storm restoration. Responding to a question about that claim, New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell said at an Aug. 31 press briefing, “I have to make sure that Entergy is held accountable every step of the way,” but that she is primarily focused on getting power back to the city.




[View video of the washed out section of roadway here]

Although an investigation into the collapse is in its early stages, National Weather Service data indicate the area received 8 in. of rainfall as Ida passed through.

此外,在MSNBC电视采访中,Jefferson Parish的紧急管理主任Joe Valiente,称为Lafouche镇的生活条件,并在上部教区区域“几乎无法忍受”随着温度升高和“关键基础设施被摧毁”。他说,没有清洁的水,电力,电池服务或可用的食品。Valiente表示,大部分人口没有撤离,官员建议居民寻求庇护所。他还说,3到6英尺的沙子洗了一块沿海屏障岛的大岛,他称之为“无法居住”。