When I took the reins as CEO of Shawmut Design and Construction seven years ago, I anticipated the need to grow our business, deliver unparalleled client satisfaction and create a people-first culture. Adapting to a global pandemic was not at the top of my list. Looking back on the last year and a half, I am amazed and relieved at the way we have all weathered the storm of the early pandemic, when our industry, and the world as we knew it, came to a halt.

莱斯·希科(Les Hiscoe)

莱斯·希科(Les Hiscoe)

Everything we knew was put to the test. At first I couldn’t imagine making the call to send employees home. Yet, just 48 hours later, we had created a comprehensive plan for all office staff working remotely. As I watched COVID-19 cases quickly jump from 1 to 10 to 10,000, I went into triage mode, acting fast to keep our people safe and still deliver for our clients.

快速changes were needed. Soliciting ideas from our people on the ground about how to work best, doing the day-to-day tasks, and streamlining communication channels, helped us to improve processes and uncover innovations. Teams were forced to pivot strategy, behaviors and tactics.

The executive leadership team at our company moved to 15-minute daily huddles to generate a bottom-up and top-down communication model ensuring we were getting the best information from our folks in the field, problem solving as a team and cascading the messages company-wide.

Our once-quarterly company-wide Town Halls weren’t enough—I moved to multiple weekly company-wide communications, including regular virtual meetings with our top 100 leaders. Different managers relayed messages throughout the firm, inspiring confidence, earning trust and engaging stakeholders.


Without regular face-to-face interactions, I made sure to regularly check in with clients and partners. Clients wanted to know we had a strong safety plan. They were reassured to know all work was guided by a comprehensive, industry-leading response plan developed with trade unions, peer groups and other firms.

- Shawmut设计与施工首席执行官Hiscoe Les Hiscoe


我们创建了Shawmut Vitals,这是一个定制的平台,旨在检查Covid-19症状并管理接触跟踪。快速的团队创造力使我们能够加速审查过程,并将应用程序用于项目,从概念到不到两周的实施。18luck官网


我们承认的人,热情洋溢地和酒吧licly, for all their hard work to help us come back stronger. Being cognizant of energy drains and how to manage team levels to help them thrive—which included regulating my own energy when addressing the company—is a continuing responsibility and goal for our leaders.



While we are all ready to turn the page, we should look at the last year and a half as a unique learning opportunity. We should apply valuable lessons learned to the way we do business going forward, especially as we manage the emergence of the Delta variant.
