
As chief information officer and senior vice president at software vendor Bentley Systems, Claire Rutkowski spends a great deal of time talking to Chief Technology Officers and other tech-minded people in AEC firms. Earlier this summer she hosted a panel at the Environmental Financial Consulting Group's Technology Leadership conference on what technology for remote work means in the future, as some firms transition to bring some workers back to the office. Rutkowski took the time to chat with ENR Senior Technology Editor Jeff Rubenstone about how technology is enabling long-term remote working, and what managers must learn to run a hybrid office. The transcript has been lightly edited for clarity.

新利luckENR:在这里,我们已经在Covid-19的中断了一年多,许多公司仍然让员工在家工作,或者开始将他们带回办公室。您在本特利系统(Bentley Systems)和您定期与之交谈的行业公司中,您对此有何经验?



我认为大多数公司都认为他们将不得不去混合以吸引合适的人才,但要注意的另一件事是,我们不知道Delta变体会发生什么- 与此同时,生活仍在继续。企业一直在继续,已经满足了可交付成果,尽管人们想到了“我必须看到你知道你在工作”,但我认为人们在整个大流行中都意识到,在许多情况下,生产力提高了,不下降。

ENR: Being present in the office was a key part of many office cultures before the pandemic, with managers walking cubicle rows to confirm everyone is getting work done.


But I think they're actually in for a harder time than that, because pre-pandemic was a level playing field, with most people in the office. Most people out of the office, working from home, is also [a level playing field]. Now we're going to get into a time where 70% of people want to be in or out, a hybrid [arrangement]. And some are going to be all the way at home and some are going to be all the way in the office for most companies. And it's not a level playing field anymore.


他们将必须成为确保办公室中没有A团队和B团队遥不可及的人。他们将不得不确保当他们开会时,他们不仅会有那天的所有“办公室”人 - 他们将不得不小心他们如何保持团队在一起,因为它赢了在一起,但这也不是每个人都分开,而且[远程工作]也不会遥不可及。它将介于两者之间。


Exactly, and I think that's something that managers are really going to have to watch for. They're going to have to mediate relationships between the people on their teams to make sure they are alert for resentment or jealousy, or that somebody who has chosen to be remote is kind of gradually shutting down, feeling less included and becoming disengaged. Because if the people who do not come in the office start feeling disengaged from the people who do then then you're going to see a loss of productivity and you don't want that right? I mean, purely from a work perspective. Lack of engagement is a lack of productivity is a loss of profit margin and revenue.

So I think managers are going to have to continue that understanding and empathy, and so are the leaders of the companies that used to have everyone in the office and decided to go hybrid. They can't choose to go hybrid to attract talent but then resent it everyday. Because that's not really fair either.



And that may have been some of it, but I think it was also was they were really afraid that they were going to be let go. And so I found myself in the kind of unusual position of having a mandatory "all hands" in which I told everybody to stop working so hard.






I think companies are much better equipped to handle it and have the right tools at least to handle it. And so the emphasis, as it did for me, moves from tools and skills and equipping people to care about and support people, mental health, engagement, and inclusivity, particularly from middle managers, to level that playing field. I would like to think that makes the AEC industry a more inclusive and better place to work overall.



首席执行官会说:“在过去的一年半中,我见过大家工作。我相信您可以为您和家人做出正确的选择,以便您想花费时间以及您想如何工作。但是我也相信您将在工作中专注并有效地工作 - 无论您在办公桌上工作,还是在家工作。”



克莱尔·鲁特科夫斯基(Claire Rutkowski)于2016年从MWH Global加入Bentley,担任首席信息官,负责向全球7000名工程专业人士提供IT战略,服务和支持。她现在负责本特利的全球IT组织,塑造并在其全球业务中提供了技术议程。