美国相关的总承包商已向联邦监管机构写了两封信,包括one to Secretary of Labor Marty Walshexpressing concern that President Joe Biden's recently announced COVID-19 vaccine mandate for employees of federal contractors and large employers could slow federal projects and exacerbate existing worker shortages.

The其他信件was sent to the White House Safer Federal Workforce Task Force that will draft guidance for Biden's行政命令为了确保为联邦承包商提供足够的协同安全协议,并向联邦收购法规委员会(Federal Accienition Consion Council)撰写,该法规将撰写法规以执行授权。

Biden's order also includes his request that the FAR council, the Workforce Task Force and the U.S. Dept. of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration develop new guidance by a Sept. 24 deadline that includes a vaccine mandate, or weekly testing, for all employees of companies with 100 or more workers. Both letters express concern over issues surrounding liability for testing and enforcement under such a mandate and the effect such a mandate could have on the worker shortage in construction.

其首席执行官斯蒂芬·桑德尔(Stephen Sandherr)在信中写道:“自从大流行以来,AGC及其成员一直在努力确保最大的建筑行业资产的安全和健康:超过700万员工。”“随着COVID-19疫苗的可用,AGC为其成员提供了有关疫苗,安全性和效力的资源。此外,该协会创建了特定于行业的公共服务信息,协助雇主疫苗政策的工具等等。。”


“ COVID-19大流行对建筑业及其市场造成了巨大损失。该病毒的三角洲变体具有面临重新经济不确定性和艰辛的绝大多数建筑公司。AGC引用它自己的研究从8月起,有89%的建筑承包商很难找到工艺工人,有88%的公司正在经历项目延迟,而93%的公司受到材料价格上涨的影响。

AGC's letter to the FAR Council laments that despite its own efforts, and those of other industry groups and member firms, to promote or incentivize voluntary vaccination of construction workers, vaccines continues to face skepticism. An April 2021 study by the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University found that 46% of construction workers did not plan to get vaccinated.

“As such, AGC members justifiably fear that many of those workers, when faced with the choice between the vaccine and their job with a federal contractor, will quit and go to work for another contractor that does not have such a mandate,” says the letter. “Because the vast majority of the construction industry is comprised of small businesses of fewer than 100 employees, and so many firms are looking for workers, those workers could very well go elsewhere and avoid both this federal contractor mandate and the testing mandate" being put into effect for large employers by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration.”

It further asked the FAR Council and the Task Force to consider exempting federal construction that mainly occurs outdoors, where most work can be performed with a lower risk of spreading COVID-19. The letter to Walsh and Acting Assistant Secretary of Labor James Frederick warns that broadly applying an ETS from OSHA, as proposed by Biden's executive order, to all construction activities could impede the goal of increasing vaccination rates and could lead to significant supply chain delays for testing that could undermine efforts to protect those who are ineligible for vaccines.



