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How to Leave Your Legacy

You don’t need to hand down your family business to future generations to leave a mark on the industry. An impactful legacy can be felt by others regardless of the end result. Whether you close up shop, change business strategies completely, grow, retire, or “plan to not have a plan,” the actions you take and the decisions you make right now are creating your legacy—like it or not. Below are simple steps you can take today to influence your legacy tomorrow.



2. Outline your strategy

Having a solid company strategy in place can guide your decisions now and in the future. Outlining and defining goals, KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), and what it will take to achieve them can shape the legacy you leave tomorrow. Remember that in the end, you’re not just building your own legacy; you're building a legacy for your clients and employees—the people who serve as the framework for your firm’s success.


Every aspect of the legacy you’re building involves people—both customers and employees alike. Ask yourself if you’re focused on relationships and on helping clients and workers thrive. You’re inthe businesss of projects,人们是成功或失败的中心。将人际关系和人们放在首位,好事肯定会随之而来。


Leaders must know who they are, what they stand for, and what they believe in to have a positive impact on their team and the customers they serve. A good leader learns from their mistakes by acknowledging them, learning from them, and making changes that encouragegrowth




Prioritize your growth and sales pipeline, as these are the factors that will directly impact your bottom line. According toUnanet’s Fall 2021 AEC Inspire Report,企业优先考虑盈利能力超过所有其他关键绩效指标。

If you are continually focused on growth, employees will follow your lead. You may start to make more creative decisions that enhance the experience create for your clients and prospects. You’ll be focused on nurturing relationships, which can allow your firm towin more pursuitsand gain more repeat work. Having a growth mindset isn’t just about profitability, however—it's also about fostering the right environment to retain talent and providing opportunities for your employees to learn new skills.

7. Value Your Employees

The resource shortage in AEC is becoming increasingly detrimental, especially amidst a global pandemic. But what about the employees you already have? What can you do to retain the existing talent that is helping your firm meet exceedingly difficult business goals?

Research has shown that low employee engagement can have crippling effects on company profits. High employee morale can result in more productive work,better go/no-go decisions和更高的销售额。当一个公司价值观employees, the response is a workforce that responds with loyalty, kindness, and a willingness to help the company reach its goals. This creates a ripple effect on customer loyalty and client success, making partners more likely to be motivated to work with you.


8. Embrace Technology and Data

不管喜欢与否,行业正在不断变化。利用正确的技术旨在支持AEC业务增长和发展。连接技术和数据可以帮助企业对流程或系统中的挑战或瓶颈更快,有效地响应。在里面AEC Inspire report,只有54%的公司定期/每天报告使用数据。尽管采用了更多广泛的采用,但研究表明,从现有数据中获得见解有许多障碍,包括可访问性问题以及缺少或不准确的数据。

Read the full report here
