Is your firm wasting time and money pursuing projects that…

  • You have little chance of winning?
  • 似乎没有良好的商业意义吗?
  • Don’t fit your firm’s strategic goals?
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You’re not alone! Tons of firms go after every single opportunity that comes their way thinking it gives them the best chance of winning as many new projects as possible.

But that’s simply not the case.

公司每一秒钟都花在错误的追求上 - 每次电话,每本发送的电子邮件,每一个营销副产品产生的每一个电话 - 都不是专注于真正有意义的机会。而且,花费小时和小时追逐项目只是为了失去它们,可以使您士气低落和烧毁18luck官网营销和业务发展staff.

Not exactly a recipe for success, but we’ve all been there at some point or another.

这就是为什么AEC公司开发有效/没有GO流程至关重要的原因。一贯making the right Go/No Go decisionswill empower firms to focus on high-probability, high-profit projects.




  • 牢记大局
  • Understand Where Your Firm is Today and How You Plan to Grow
  • Commit to the Process
  • Only Pursue Opportunities that Inspire Passion
  • 寻求外部信息


许多公司在创建GO/No GO决策过程时缺乏一件事是一项战略性的企业计划,而获得公司范围的买入并不是一件容易的事。

不知道目标或如何定义成功,就不可能知道哪些项目值得追求。18luck官网这是一位AEC专家伯尼·西本(Bernie Siben)所说的关于正确/不进行过程的说法:

“You have a ‘Go/No Go’ process, and sometimes your senior folks actually follow it. But you lack a major tool that would make your ‘Go/No Go’ process truly efficient: a PLAN!

“The ‘Go/No Go’ process is designed to help you say ‘no’ when ‘no’ is the appropriate answer. The hard part is determining when ‘no’ is the appropriate answer. With a Strategic Plan, Marketing Plan and/or Business Plan, this determination is much easier.”

- 伯尼·西本(Bernie Siben),CPSM,AEC营销顾问


Go/No Go decision-making is about understanding which projects you’re most likely to win and putting your firm’s effort into those opportunities.



“The framework of a go/no-go tool must blend strategy and historical evidence. For instance, the firm must use criteria that helps define its success, coupled with a blend of factors that enable the firm’s strategic plan.

“For example, Brand X Construction’s ‘sweet spot’ is defined at $7 million in project revenue. This is an important characteristic to understand, as it helps create a picture of the ideal customer or project. Notice this does not say ‘average project size.’ It is important to conduct a thorough study of where a firm excels and where it does not.

“The strategic growth niches also help define categories that are worthwhile targets. Without them, the firm might acquiesce and simply engage in identical work. While it may be currently profitable, it may also be myopic and fail to include a balance of long-term strategy.”

- FMI顾问Gregg M. Schoppman

[Get the Guide]: Top 5 Ways to Win More Work with an AEC-Focused CRM

3. Commit to the Process



That’s just not true.

In the vast majority of cases, you should follow the strategic Go/No Go process you put in place to give your firm the greatest chance of success.

“要警惕绕行/没有go过程。有时,有真正的紧急情况或其他原因偏离委员会的审查程序,但是如果GO/NO GO流程要求太容易避开了损失或昂贵的项目增加的几率。

“One example is that a business unit may delay asking for a ‘go’ decision, then claim it is too late for management to say ‘no go.’ The theory may be that commitments have been made to the subcontractors or JV partners, or that estimators have already done so much work and would be demoralized if the plug is pulled. Effective management should not allow this ‘end run’ tactic to be rewarded.”

-Tom Porter, JD, DBIA, EVP at Barton Malow Company

4. Only Pursue Opportunities that Inspire Passion

您无能为力,仅根据数字来考虑每一个go/no go。尽管指标和数据are crucial to success, firms and clients consist of people, and that means emotions and mental states play a role in every task and initiative.


Their excitement — or lack thereof — just might sway your choice!


-FSMP,CPSM的Frank Lippert,GO策略的合作伙伴

5. Seek Outside Information

即使您有能力access and analyze mountains of data关于潜在的机会,您可能会独自学习某些信息。花一些时间研究公司以外的人对您正在评估的客户的评价。

“与不赏识的客户合作,将sapr time and energy from working with great clients and designing top projects. You must research both the company and its leaders online and through speaking with colleagues, contractors, and furniture suppliers.”

-Richard N. Pollack, FAIA, FIIDA, managing principal at Pollack Consulting

Take an Objective Approach to Go/No Go Decisions

By developing and implementing an effective Go/No-Go decision-making process, AEC firms can empower their staff to focus on the opportunities that make sense for their area of expertise.


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