建筑行业的工会学徒计划为与拥有四年制大学学位的人的工作和社会状况相当的工人提供工资和社会成果,a new union-backed study联邦统计数据的10年结束。

伊利诺斯州的经济政策stitute, a pro-labor non-profit based in LaGrange, lll., analyzed data from the U.S. Census Bureau and federal Bureau of Labor Statistics from 2010 through 2020. The dataset reports individual-level information on about 98,000 households over the past decade.

The analysis found union construction workers who graduated joint labor-management apprenticeship programs earn an average income of about $58,000 per year, about halfway between all workers with a two-year associate's degrees ($48,200) and all workers with bachelor’s degrees ($68,600). Union construction workers also have a private health insurance coverage rate of 89%, higher than workers with the associate's degree (84%) and on par with those with a four-year bachelor’s degrees (90%).

研究所政策总监兼研究合着者弗兰克·曼佐(Frank Manzo)表示,在经济和社会上,劳动管理学徒计划是四年制大学学位的好替新利luck代方案。





Associated Builders and Contractors, a trade group that represents mainly non-union contractors, did not immediately analyze and respond to the study, but said all efforts to train more people to enter the construction industry are necessary.

“正确的劳动力发展工作类型包括政府注册和行业认可的学徒制,这是更广泛,更具包容性的全部全面发展策略的关键部分,因为我们的行业迫切需要从多个劳动力发展管道中捆绑的更多合格的熟练工人,伊利诺伊州ABC伊利诺伊州总裁艾丽西亚·马丁(Alicia Martin)在一份声明中说:“致社区,教育,雇主,工会和协会利益相关者。”

“ABC of Illinois is working hard to recruit, educate and upskill the nation’s future construction workforce through apprenticeship programs and a national network of more than 800 apprenticeship, craft, safety and management education programs—including more than 300 government-registered apprenticeship programs across 20 different construction occupations," Martin said.