A tentative plan developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers calls for a large portion of Charleston, S.C., to be ringed by a storm-surge wall to defend the city’s downtown against future floods.



The Corps Charleston District began studying coastal storm impacts on the peninsula in 2018. The latestdraft feasibility report以及9月10日发布的环境影响声明提议在半岛周围建造一个12英尺高的暴风雨墙壁。


Most of the barrier would be a T-wall with concrete stem walls and pile-supported bases. The wall would tie into existing high ground like the historic Battery Wall. In the marsh, the barrier would be a combination wall similar to the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal Surge Barrier in New Orleans, consisting of continuous vertical piles on the storm surge side and battered piles on the other side, connected by a concrete cap. There would be tidal flow gates for vehicles and pedestrians that could be closed ahead of anticipated storms. On the inner side of the wall, pump facilities would prevent flooding.


这并不是查尔斯顿(Charleston)唯一为减轻洪水而采取的策略。正如E新利lucknr先前报道的那样,该市已经进行了排水改进项目18luck官网designed to deal with sea levels that are as much as 2 ft higher than current levels.

A public review and comment period on the Corps proposal is open through Oct. 25. After that, the agency anticipates releasing a final report in May 2022 before submitting the findings and plan to Congress.