

发言人说,波士顿代理市长金·贾尼(Kim Janey)计划本周签署该法案。


Those larger buildings, while fewer in number, account for 60% of the city’s carbon footprint, said Emily Barkdoll, deputy director for strategy and engagement at the American Cities Climate Challenge “This ordinance was very much designed with ambitious but achievable goals,” said Barkdoll, whose organization provided technical advice on the drafting of the new law.“

Conor McGuire, director of sustainability at North Reading, Mass.-based construction manager Columbia, called the measure a "great and necessary step to address climate change and air pollution." He noted that the "greening of the grid with renewable clean energy is underway" and that during the next 30 years, "fossil fuel building systems will either fail and need to be replaced or owners will choose to upgrade systems as part of planned improvements."


Greg Vasil, its CEO and president, said the bill could place an unfair and unrealistic burden on owners, especially those with lower-rise buildings, that are many decades or even a century or more old.

The new ordinance would require owners of these older buildings to undertake expensive new retrofits at a time when the future of the office market has been impacted by the coronavirus crisis.

公司are still trying to figure out how much office space they will need in the future, with older Class B and C buildings typically faring the worst in a soft market as commercial tenants seek better space in more modern high-rises.


他补充说,也不需要许多老年建筑商在该市以前的排放跟踪系统下报告其排放数据,该系统用于收集数据,因此他们还将面临开始收集过程。城市官员和Synapse Energy Economics使用数据来制定排放的减少性能目标,该目标是在新封闭的条例中提出的。

“A lot of the Class B and C buildings … never had to report under the old (system),” Vasil said. “This is going to be a punch in the gut.”


Vasil said he would like the fines used to help property owners undertake the expensive work involved in reducing emissions.

Under the new ordinance, at least part of the money collected through penalties would be used for “rent stabilization” at low-income affordable housing where tenants may be facing displacement or eviction.

“How about rent stabilization for the commercial building owners who are struggling in a down market and can’t get the money they need to make these conversions?” Vasil asked.

Another concern is whether there will be enough energy options for building owners to purchase renewable energy certificates to mitigate some emissions, with most local power likely to still come from fossil-fuel sources by 2030.


他说:“我们一直在处理价格飞涨的价格 - 从木头到石膏板的一切 - 这将是另一个成本。”


建筑所有者and others faced with financial challenges to meet the new standards can seek council permission for hardship modifications or changes. Those reporting emissions data for the first time also can file for a six-month extension.

Anastasia Nicolaou说,开发小组推动的一项规定将允许审查委员会的成员(其中许多人代表社区组织)借鉴一个行业专家的工作组,他们可以在财务困难和其他问题的情况下提供建议。马萨诸塞州NAIOP政策与公共事务副总裁。

The group plans to continue to offer input as implementing regulations are drafted. “This ordinance is a great first step, but it is certainly not the last step in the process,” Nicolaou said.