在一致的基础上制定准确,彻底和可辩护的成本估计是艰巨而且有时 - 强加的事业。每个项目估算都可以承担自己的生活,具有独特的需求和特点,从挑战建筑和工程设计到细致和精确的施工执行细节。我们甚至没有提到其他重要因素,如地理影响,资源可用性和普遍存在的市场状况,通常在整体成本估算中扮演决定角色。

Gordian Infocenter

Striving to achieve better cost estimate accuracy is not new. It’s been part of the estimating landscape forever. Understanding the underlying causes of inaccuracy and how to improve them in order to deliver a better outcome is more difficult.

Understanding the Root Causes of Inaccurate Estimates


  1. 不准确的成本数据:访问准确的线项成本数据非常重要,实际上可能是最重要的这些原因。没有可靠的数据库目录,劳动和设备的成本,准确地价格根据现行市场状况的工作范围将剥夺任何估计。18luck.cub
  2. Incomplete Scopes of Work:确保项目或任务是充分的再保险presented by a tight scope of work greatly reduces the possibility of missed or incorrect work elements and increases the probability of producing a more accurate cost estimate.
  3. Inconsistent Processes:对于大多数生产成本估算作为其业务运营的关键组成的组织,这成为开发始终准确的成本估算的最关键方面。捕获,包装和应用一致的开发估计方法有助于每次成本估算者(从专家到新手),确保应用组织最佳实践,并为开发简化的评论和轻松应用QA治理方法创造可重复的过程。



Cost item assemblies help create component-type visualizations and produce detailed cost item listings of the project scope, combatting the issue of unreliable cost data. Assemblies help ensure completeness of scope by delivering repeatable items and tasks stored as pre-defined components in an assembly catalog.





This pyramid depicts the hierarchy of construction costs. As you move up the pyramid, costs become less granular, with unit prices being the most granular and models being the most general. Each cost type is labeled with its corresponding use case. Assemblies are best used to develop early-stage estimates for maintenance, repair, and replacement projects.




Beyond improving the accuracy of estimates, cost item assemblies prove to be immensely useful tools. Some of the many direct benefits of assemblies in estimate development include:

  • 提高估算器对最终估算产品的信心。
  • Providing a knowledge base for novice estimators to become familiar with assemblies and their components.
  • Simplifying and shortening the estimating process by offering ready-built components.
  • Contributing to better increase in scope-to-estimate interpretation.
  • Making it easier for stakeholders to understand the estimate.
  • Enabling quick system component-based estimates by selecting assemblies from catalogs.
  • 协助在组织内执行一致的估算过程。



Using current construction techniques, vendor/contractor pricing and prevailing market knowledge, RSMeans data engineering and data professionals are uniquely qualified to customize the optimum assemblies to drive the greatest benefits while using cost item assemblies to improve estimating accuracy.