


The study, "The Cost-Benefit Fallacy: Why Cost-Benefit Analysis Is Broken and How to Fix It" is based on validated data on costs and benefits of 2,062 public projects built between 1927 and 2013 in 104 developed and developing nations on six continents, mostly in the US and Europe. Projects included bridges, buildings, bus rapid transit, dams, power plants, rail, roads and tunnels.

Researchers say "strong and consistent" biases led to cost overruns not being compensated by benefit overruns, "but quite the opposite, on average." In addition, projects with large average cost overruns "tend to have large average benefit shortfalls," the study says.

“理性主义者希望人类通过学习会随着时间的流逝而改善。但是,对于行为科学家而言,不是很多。1927年,人们的大脑与1960年和2013年相同,具有相同的偏见,因此他们产生了相同的不准确性,数据显示,”商学院主要计划管理主席研究负责人本特·弗洛夫·弗吉格(Bent Flyvbjerg)说。

Cost forecasts were found to be highly inaccurate and biased with average overruns ranging from 24% for highways to 85% for dams. Benefit forecasts for bridges, buildings, power plants and roads were "fairly accurate,". but average benefit shortfalls for bus rapid transit and rail projects were 58% and 34%, respectively.

However, in about 20% of cases, underforecasting of benefits more than compensated for actual cost overruns. Denmark's Great Belt toll-road bridge, for example, had a 90% benefit overrun, double that of the cost forecast. The researchers caution that the number of benefit samples for most investment types is small.

Overoptimism bias lies behind what the researchers call "the cost-benefit fallacy." They cite behavioral science evidence that planners and managers repeatedly underestimate the importance of schedules, geology, prices, scope changes and complexity and overestimate mitigation measures.
