根据新的一项新,近四分之一或200万英里的道路目前有可能因洪水破坏而无法操作无法操作的风险。评估of infrastructure across the country from First Street Foundation.

Other types of infrastructure face similar risks. At 25%, critical infrastructure has the highest amount of risk nationwide, with residential infrastructure cited as having the lowest, at 17%.

风险在地理上不均匀分布。最高风险的美国县或教区位于路易斯安那州,由于洪水泛滥而面临90%以上无法使用的基础设施的风险。前两个最高风险的城市,梅特里(Metairie)和新奥尔良(New Orleans)也在路易斯安那州。其次是佛罗里达州珊瑚角(Cape Coral)和加利福尼亚州斯托克顿(Stockton)。


应该是建立在关键基础设施to higher design standards than residential infrastructure, it still faces the greater risk. “We tend to find it falls in downtown areas and along rivers and along the coast. It just tends to be in places that are more flood prone in general,” says Jeremy Porter, head of research and development at First Street, and one of the report’s authors.

“We didn’t know that to begin with. It wasn’t until we mapped it,” adds Porter, showing that “city centers tend to fall along those nature river channels or along the coast.”

第一街的洪水模型除了河流和沿海洪水外,还捕获了降雨的洪水风险,因此,最近有许多洪水(例如田纳西州)的地点不在联邦紧急管理机构[FEMA]特殊洪水危害地区。First Street Foundation创始人兼执行董事Matthew Eby说,这是因为该机构的决心不包括降水。

That precipitation piece is why counties in states like West Virginia are appearing in the report, says Porter. Two West Virginia counties, in fact, are in the list's Top 20. For context, no South Carolina counties are included.

The report looks at current risk as well as that projected in 30 years, with climate change altering the picture of future risk. “Places like Virginia show up a lot when you start thinking about which places are going to change the most over the next 30 years,” says Porter.

“That’s primarily because warming sea surface temperatures and warming atmospheric temperature are driving stronger, although not necessarily more frequent, tropical cyclones that reach further north. They move slower and dump more precipitation as they [travel] across the land,” he says.



风险的定义是whi的点ch the infrastructure’s operability is affected, according to design standards of the American Society of Civil Engineers, FEMA and others. Accordingly, a power plant built to standards that account for 2 ft of flooding would not be counted as at risk if it was projected to receive 18 in. of flooding, explains Porter.


Complementing the report is a searchable visual database that includes a map showing an area's specific infrastructure with level of risk for each, from moderate to severe, based on the type of flooding that is modeled to occur. The range coversa 1-in-2-year event up to a 1-in-500-year event.

The database may be particularly helpful to communities without funding or staff able to create a resilience report, says Eby, adding that the foundation hopes to provide them with a baseline understanding of risk. The knowledge, he says, can help those communities figure out where to start planning and gain added resources, including working with outside firms when needed.

Porter says: “Essentially, when we were building this out, we said, if we were going to write a report for a small community, what would it look like?”