
In Los Angeles, where more than 60,000 individuals are estimated to be suffering from homelessness, projects like Weingart Tower will help. The 19-story project, which broke ground last month in LA’s Skid Row district, will be the city’s largest and tallest affordable-housing development, offering 278 units of permanent housing.

“收入量表非常低端的人们非常需要这个项目,”开发温宁塔塔的非营利性公司Weingart Center Association的总裁兼首席执行官Kevin Murray说。“无家可归者的平均永久性支持住房项目约为50至75个单位,因此我们试图大大提供278个单位,并帮助陷入危机。”

Weingart Tower是洛杉矶市35亿美元的H和洛杉矶县的12亿美元款项HHH的最早支持18luck官网的大型项目之一,以提供住房和服务,以解决无家可归者。

The sustainable project, aiming for Green Point Gold Certification, is a collaboration between the Weingart Center and Chelsea Investment Corp., a leading affordable housing developer. The architectural concept was developed by Joseph Wong Design Assocs.; the project architect is AXIS/GFA Architecture + Design.

Emmerson Construction正在作为AT Construction Manager-AT风险,项目管理顾问(PMA)是所有者的项目管理代表。Swinerton Builders是总承包商。

Murray, a former California state senator, says Weingart Tower will be completed in December 2023, and next summer his team will break ground on a second phase of the project — a 12-story tower that will include 104 supportive housing units.

另一个大型洛杉矶项目是第三名和Dandler,这是由国家社区复兴(National Core)开发的78个单元负担得起的住房社区。9月30日破土动工的4600万美元以运输为导向的项目与地铁金线和两条公交线相邻。


洛杉矶地区国家核心高级副总裁戴维·格伦瓦尔德(David Grunwald)说:“在洛杉矶街头有66,000多名未受住的人,需要住房。”“虽然第三和丹格勒开发项目仅为无家可归的安吉伦斯创建39个永久性的住房单位,但它将帮助当地的东洛杉矶社区住所,其中一些最脆弱的居民。”


Grunwald says developments like this “pave the way for future housing for the homeless. As community members see folks moving off the streets into housing, sentiment builds for future projects.”

Murray agrees, adding that developers can be encouraged by such projects.


在旧金山,我10月6日宣布t will acquire three buildings for permanent supportive housing (PSH). The buildings will add 237 new units, helping the city surpass its 50% mark for its overall goal of creating 1,500 PSH units by July 2022. To date, the city has acquired 714 PSH units during Fiscal Year 2021-2022, say officials.

The three sites will provide residents with professional property management and onsite support services. The properties include a 52-room motel formerly known as the Mission Inn, a 25-room hotel formerly known as the Eula Hotel, and a 160-unit building formerly known as the Panoramic.


加利福尼亚Senate Bill 8 stands out most among Gov. Gavin Newsom’s suite of recently signed housing bills, says Ken Lowney, president and CEO of Oakland-based Lowney Architecture. SB 8 extends the Housing Crisis Act (SB 330) for an additional five years, streamlines the project approval process and prevents downzoning.

“A major hurdle for projects in California and for municipalities is that they get bogged down by hearings and environmental reviews, so any legislation that cuts down on uncertainty is helpful,” says Lowney. “SB 8 streamlines the approval process, which means projects can move through quicker and get to market faster. Supportive housing developments are heavily reliant on schedules. If they become mired in lawsuits or face too much community opposition, funding for these kinds of projects will dry up and disappear.”

Lowney Architecture目前正在计划在加利福尼亚海沃德市的仓库社区公寓,该公寓将于明年秋天破土动工。该项目包括125间负担得起的工作室公寓,适用于该地区中位数收入不到60%的家庭,其中一部分专用于负担得起的住房,低至该地区中位收入的20%。该计划组合包括针对特殊需求家庭的支持服务,包括经历慢性无家可归的人。