2020 T. Rowe Price IPD项18luck官网目




所有者:Jll Obo T. Rowe价格



分包商:M.C.Dean(电气和电信承包商,IPD合作伙伴);Poole&Kent(机械/管道承包商和IPD合作伙伴);中心线(干墙,粗糙的木工和天花板);Tricon Construction(干墙,粗糙的木工和天花板);选择性拆除;首都 / CCS(地板);合同地毯系统

因为八党integra COVID-19杜绝ted project delivery team from physically co-locating, the traditional construction trailer was replaced with virtual meetings. Construction partner representatives remained on site to serve as the full team’s “eyes and ears” and document existing conditions as the design evolved. By adapting to these and other pandemic-related constraints, the team successfully completed a two-floor, 31,000-sq-ft renovation of the owner’s downtown Baltimore headquarters and 20,000 sq ft of renovations to portions of two floors at the Owings Mills Financial Campus. Both projects included significant infrastructure upgrades with replacement of air handling units and variable air volume fan boxes as well as new electrical distribution systems. The projects also included new finishes throughout, and the programming included open office areas, cafeterias and collaboration and conference rooms. Supply chains were closely monitored, with the team utilizing early releases of key components and materials to strategically mitigate the potential risks of a volatile construction market.

效率产生了用于递延项目的节省的节省,包括扩展的天花板更换。该团队记录了超过46,000个工作时间,没有可记录的事件或损失的时间伤害,这是一个显着的成就,因为该工作涉及通过窗户打开的起重机选择HVAC系统的起重机,在高架访问地板和电气工作的系统上提高了工作,这是在该系统上的高架工作。critical to the owner’s business.