In recent business temperature checks of AEC and construction equipment sector firms, analysts see signs of post-pandemic recovery but continuing risks and warnings about over-optimism in estimating markets and financials.

瑞士信贷董事总经理杰米·库克(Jamie Cook)在10月5日的公开持有E&C公司财务业绩的第三季度预览中说:“该集团的基本面保持健康,在积压待遇中的平均水平高度可见度。”她认为技术提高了劳动力效率,但也更大的风险来自较高商品价格的大型项目延期,持续的供应链中断以及缺乏可用的熟练劳动力。




Based on its October survey of 303 public and private design and design-build firm financials, management consultant AEC Advisors notes median organic revenue growth declining last year, with firms of $25 million or less falling to 2.9% from 18.8% in 2019, and large firms over $2 billion with negative 1.5% growth. down from 5.5% growth the previous year.

原子能委员会主席Andrej Avelini说小公司“working earlier in the project life cycle, with more private sector clients that cut spending more suddenly felt the impact of the downturn faster." He added that large firms "were more exposed to" downturns in international markets, where lockdowns were longer and stricter than in the US.


行业顾问EFCG的执行合伙人丽贝卡·佐弗纳斯(Rebecca Zofnass)表示,“中位数并不讲故事”,其结果调查的190家AEC公司显示,收入趋势从-20%到40%以上。她说,“与先前的衰退相比,内部增长在2020年的影响较小,预计将更快地恢复到流行前水平。”中位数积压在2021年,而一年和六个月的水平都增加了。


Meanwhile, firm valuations are hitting new peaks with public markets and private equity buyers showing more interest in sector players performing in dynamic infrastructure, energy and climate change resilience markets that now also offer a "premium" because of environmental, social and governance (ESG) appeal to clients and investors.

The trend is set to accelerate with new proposed regulations on ESG investment reporting from the federalSecurities and Exchange Commissionand a美国劳工部提议的规则10月14日发表在联邦公报上,这将使ESG因素,尤其是气候变化,这是401(k)退休计划购买的资金的更突出的措施,这违反了特朗普规则限制了此类考虑。

顾问Morrissey-Goodale追踪的行业合并和收购今年迄今为止总计319人,合伙人米克·莫里西(Mick Morrissey)在10月8日表示,已经打破了2019年的全年记录。“我们在未知的水域中,”他说。

原子能委员会部门收购私人股本支持的现金are growing three times faster than public firms, with PE owners now expanding their buying interest to a wider array of companies, says AEC Advisors' Avelini. He says there now are about 80 PE-owned AEC firms, four times the number in 2010.