亚马逊的200亿美元住房股票基金将在2025年底之前改善,以帮助保存和开发20,000个负担得起的住房单位。这家位于西雅图的在线零售巨头和云服务提供商将针对三个地区(Washington State的Puget Sound地区)。该国的首都地区,亚马逊在未来十年内将在其在弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿的HQ2项目上投资25亿美元。纳什维尔(Nashville),亚马逊(Amazon)在那里完成了20层高层建筑,并在纳什维尔码(Nashville Yards)建造了22层的塔楼。


亚马逊社区发展主管凯瑟琳·布尔(Catherine Buell)说:“我们利用亚马逊的资产负债表在经济适用房竞技场中做得很好。”
Amazon is not the only tech giant addressing the shortage of affordable housing. In November 2019, Apple committed $2.5 billion to combat the housing crisis in California. Microsoft, Google and Facebook also have programs.

亚马逊专注于以运输为导向的住房,向开发商提供多达3亿美元的贷款,估计有3,000个新单位在运输机构拥有的土地上或私人土地上,靠近公共交通。具体而言,该基金已宣布向与华盛顿大都会地区运输局合作的开发商提供1.25亿美元的贷款,用于首都地区的1000多个居住单位;在华盛顿州普吉特海湾地区,使用Sound Transit的开发商提供1亿美元;开发商为7500万美元,估计在纳什维尔(Nashville)的私人土地上,在威戈运输走廊附近的私人土地上有800个单位。


Amazon project announcements are coming by the end of the year. “We are hoping this [fund] will draw in other investors” as well, Buell says.

尽管新建筑将很快填补pipeline, the fund’s initial focus is on preserving existing affordable rents. In January, Amazon announced it provided $381.9 million in loans and grants to the Washington Housing Conservancy—a nonprofit working in and around the nation’s capital. WHC used the funds to buy the Crystal House apartments in Arlington, Va., less than a block away from Amazon’s HQ2 project, currently under construction. In July, through WHC, Amazon donated $40 million for the purchase of a parcel adjacent to Crystal House, which it then donated to Arlington County to develop more than 550 affordable units.

WHC执行董事金伯利·德里格斯(Kimberly Driggins)说:“我们用亚马逊的钱创造了额外的东西。”“他们认为大 - 没有任何东西似乎是一个障碍。”