
To be eligible, projects had to be located in any of the seven states comprising the Mountain States region: Utah, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, North Dakota and South Dakota. Projects with a construction-related fatality on the jobsite were not allowed to enter.

今年的最佳项目法官是:HDR塔拉贝18luck官网塔尔;Matt Cecere,4240架构公司;詹恩·伊斯莱蒂诺,方法工作室;湖弗格森,莱顿建设;Janson Ferrera,传输和配送组,烧伤和麦克唐纳;哈利·古格利尔莫,阿斯彭市;Vanessa Lucido,ROC Equipment LLC;亚当·梅克,RS&H;劳拉史密斯,Crsa;和亚历克斯·瓦登,Studiotjoa。

To evaluate the more than 60 safety award entries, the 2021 safety judges, all veterans from previous years’ panels, were: Tim Batz, IMA Inc.; Rick Zellen, Zurich North America; and Matt Ogle, JE Dunn Construction.

Judging our new special award, Excellence in Sustainability, were: Stella Hodgkins, GE Johnson Construction; Adam Lulay, Swinerton; and Patti Mason, Switch Automation.

In addition to the category winners, judges chose by consensus one project from the Colorado, Wyoming and Dakotas side and one from the Intermountain area (Utah, Idaho and Montana) to stand as Projects of the Year—entries that clearly outdistanced the other winners. This year, those honors went to the CSU Moby GEO Exchange in Fort Collins and the Salt Lake City International Airport Terminal Redevelopment.

年度决赛选手的项目也很荣幸。对于科罗拉多州,怀俄明州和达科拉斯地区,决赛者是丹佛社区公共大学和倍过家庭住宅村和第39大道绿道和开放式渠道设计 - 建设项目。

决赛是MidValle山间的区域y Performing Arts Center, the UVU Pedestrian Bridge and the North Fork Siphon Replacement.
Congratulations to this year’s winners!