The productivity of work is not the responsibility of the worker but of the manager.
– Peter Drucker

ToolWatch Infocenter

The late management guru Peter Drucker had it right when he handed down that observation. Too often companies overmanage their employees with the expectation of improving worker productivity, then wonder why productivity actually suffers. What they need to do instead is take a critical look at the systems and processes — or lack thereof — that employees need to perform their jobs effectively. It’s safe to say that in most instances of declining productivity, it’s not that the workers need prodding, it’s that the operating environment needs overhauling.

Revamping enterprise operations requires the support of a technology system that provides employees with the resources to simplify processes, ease communication and provide more accurate data. No company can maintain maximum productivity without providing its workforce up-to-date systems, technology, and software that support performance, reduce inefficiency, and streamline communication.

例如,do field managers have an accurate, real-time handle on every item of equipment and tools under their watch? Is the warehouse still using paper requisitions and log sheets to keep track of materials and equipment moving in and out? Does the back office accounting system sync with the field tool and equipment tracking software (if any)? Does upper management really know the extent and value of all the company’s assets? Those aren’t worker productivity issues, they’re serious business and operational problems.

In the construction industry, productivity improvement means a top-down commitment of the organization to examine every antiquated, we’ve-always-done-it-this-way process with an eye toward more streamlined enterprise operations.

ToolWatch was born out of my frustration. The age-old problem of tool loss, damage, and hoarding was depleting my business’ bottom line; replacing tools and searching for lost tools was a waste of both time and resources. While developing ToolWatch, I realized that modernizing the outdated tool management process could do much more than just prevent tool loss. ToolWatch not only prevented tool loss, but productivity across my entire business improved. I realized that ToolWatch was a vital investment to my businesses’ overall operations management. And as ToolWatch developed into the product it is today, the platform’s ability to provide every operation in the company, from warehouse manager to field supervisors to the accounting department to C-suite, access to a treasure house of comprehensive, accurate, up-to-the-second data related to their specific responsibilities is invaluable.

When each person has instantaneous access to the data they need for any given task, communication improves across the organization, and along with it, so does productivity.

In the field, productivity soars when requested items arrive at the right place, on time, eliminating wasted hours and costly mistakes. Assigning job costs and billing to every piece of equipment, no matter where it goes on the job site, lets the team know how much money it costs to use any item, where it is, and who’s using it.

And don’t resist technology, welcome it! You’ve probably noticed that your younger workers, both in the field and in the office, are already highly sophisticated users of mobile devices and technology. They will eagerly embrace new systems that help them do their jobs faster and better because it’s already second nature to them.

In short, without integrated, organization-wide tool and equipment management and accounting systems, efficiency, communication, and productivity inevitably suffer. Investing in a platform that streamlines your entire business’ operating environment, improves communication and encourages employee accountability, which equates to a win-win for your business, your team, and your bottom line.