Millennium Partners' Winthrop Center tower is making waves, and not just for its attempt to meet some of the world’s must vigorous environmental standards.

温思罗普中心(Winthrop Center)在波士顿市中心的建设中,最近成为城市中第一个插入一个不寻常的混凝土基金会的塔楼,被称为“天垫”,在中途形状,最终将成为52层的摩天大楼。


Suffolk and subcontractor S&F Concrete Contractors installed the 20-million-lb concrete slab, also known as a transfer mat, without a hitch after intensive planning and preparation involving various subcontractors and trades.

The work took place in a limited space 350 ft in the air, and required nine levels of shoring compared to the typical five. It also had to be kept in place for 21 days.

萨福克项目主管约翰·纽霍尔(John Newhall)说:“那里的情况非常非常好。”


To make the offices more attractive to corporate tenants, the lower floors will have open floor plans spanning 45 ft and relatively few supporting columns and walls.

However, the residential section above, which is much more densely packed, will need support.

