A $285-million solar energy project will provide most of the power for a major Colorado steel mill, allowing it to produce what it says will be “some of the world’s greenest steel.”

Lightsource BP的300 MW Bighorn Solar项目包括超过75万辆太阳能电池板,建于普韦布罗·北美岩石山钢属性的1800英亩土地,与实用公司Xcel Energy合作。

It is the largest U.S. on-site solar power dedicated to a single customer, according to BP, which owns a 50% stake in Lightsource BP. Bighorn’s capacity may even catapult EVRAZ into the top-10 companies in the U.S. for installed solar capacity, comparing it to those ranked in the Solar Energy Industries Association's latestSolar Means Business Report.




Bighorn Solar目前正在发电,Lightsource BP希望它于11月在线全程。Lightsource BP是Bighorn Solar的所有者和操作员。Xcel Energy将购买项目产生的电力,EvRAZ将获得固定率能源20年。

“As each new acre of solar panels is installed, we find ourselves closer to our goal of making EVRAZ in Pueblo one of the greenest steel facilities in the world,” Skip Herald, CEO of EVRAZ North America, said in a statement.

Evraz是Xcel Energy在科尔多多斯最大的零售电力客户。XCEL表示,该项目每年允许其每年减少433,700公吨碳排放量,相当于92,100辆燃料燃烧汽车。


The project complements the Colorado government’s efforts to deliver 55% renewable energy to the grid by 2026 and to reduce carbon emissions by 60%, according to Xcel. The state’s Economic Development Commission approved tax credits of more than $2.8 million to EVRAZ for its expansion.

“普韦布洛工厂扩建工程体现了thoughtful and innovative economic advancements that Governor [Jared] Polis champions for a sustainable Colorado,” Betsy Markey, executive director of the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade, said in a statement after EVRAZ announced the expansion plans.

EvRAZ不是唯一希望降低碳足迹的钢板。作为先新利luck前报道的,Nucor Corp.于10月5日宣布了一系列净零钢products called Econiq, using carbon offsets.

There's potential that other steel producers could find cost-savings through similar solar projects. Energy use accounts for as much as 20-40% of the cost of steel production, according to the World Steel Association. The majority of steel production in the U.S. today—about 70%—comes from electric arc furnaces, which can draw more power from electricity than blast furnaces can, according to the American Iron and Steel Institute.

Lightsource BP首席执行官Kevin Smith在一份声明中表示,大角康太阳能项目表明即使是钢像钢等难以脱脂的扇区也可以脱碳。“这是伴侣解决了美国工业今天面临的复杂问题的一个很好的例子,而在制造业的同时保持工作,”他说。
