As if the construction sector didn’t have enough of a workforce crunch before COVID-19, many now wonder how it will weather pandemic-driven forces they fear could spur more voluntary departures and talent gaps—part of a growing broader business trend beyond the industry, dubbed the “Great Resignation,” but which could impact economic recovery.


我说“行业女性与引用倦怠the top reason they have left a job or are thinking about leaving,” says Amy King Lewis, assistant professor of construction engineering technology at Oklahoma State University and a former project manager, who is researching construction departure trends. “Workers have had the chance to reevaluate life choices and many say they realize work was unfulfilling or expectations were unreasonable.”

Industry surveys have chronicled the worsening trends.

美联社建筑商兼承包商副总裁本·布鲁贝克(Ben Brubeck)说,慷慨的联邦刺激益处“使工人更加自在地不工作”。尽管9月6日到期,但有26个州也选择在今年夏天结束计划,但研究表明,这些州的就业增长很少。他说:“现在很难让人们重返游戏。”目前估计了430,000人熟练的手工艺工人的短缺。

Bill Fountain, head of Gardner Construction in western Massachusetts, says his small firm is desperately short of workers, limiting projects he can take on. The contractor, which is renovating a historic dam in Springfield, would add to his payroll of 16 but can’t find prospects, despite trying a range of recruitment efforts, including ads on Craigslist. “I don’t know where to look any more,” he says.

劳动力短缺“这是该死的,所有行业都受到影响,”拆除和补救分包商首席执行官詹妮弗·托德(Jennifer Todd)说,佛罗里达州的首席执行官“ Covid-19也没有结束,我们继续支出资源以保持员工在维持项目期限的同时保持员工。We’ve also seen a rise in general liability and workers comp costs," she adds, due to the pandemic.



国家建筑建筑经理Sto Building Group的执行董事长James Donaghy说:“我们看到所有三个关键职位的短缺 - 估计者,项目经理和总监。”他指出,但是交易的短缺最大,“对我们的现场团队施加额外的压力”,就像客户正在释放流行病的项目一样。18luck官网Donaghy说:“在未来五年中,招聘和保留人才是任何大型CM公司的重中之重。”“我们是通过寻找合适的人来促进长期可持续增长的驱动。”

AE管理公司AEC Advisors的总裁Andrej Avelini表示,根据对300多家公司的调查,Andrej Aevini表示,对设计和设计建设公司的调查显示,近几个月来,在2020年下跌35%后,近几个月来上升速度上升。请参见上图)。他说,新兴的数据表明“恢复到更高的水平”。

That trend also is spurring compensation boosts that could cut into recent rising profit levels for firms, as COVID cut travel and space costs. “We expect our pricing will increase correspondingly,” says Joe Monaco, president of employee-owned consultant Dudek. An instant poll of attendees at the recent CEO conference held by management consultant EFCG found 90% citing the “war for talent” as the No. 1 trend affecting employer decision making.

在纽约市一个地点,金属工人凯里·默瑟(Carey Mercer)是更多寻求行业工艺职业的女性之一。
图片由Ronda Churchill摄影


美国和加拿大的雇主,客户和政府授权的COVID疫苗已提高了营业额的关注,并迹象表明行业工人反对和离职威胁,特别是随着宣布为联邦承包商和大型企业生效的Biden Administration规则。

- Sto Building Group执行董事长James Donaghy

卡内新利luck基·梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)和研究中心的一项研究表明,在其他领域,行业工人疫苗接种率达到81.3%。截至10月中旬,他们在1,170名受访者中只有40%在10月中旬表示,他们支持疫苗授权,包括美国职业安全和卫生管理局紧急临时新利luck标准,以要求疫苗接种的员工或每周的所有负面测试拥有100多名员工的雇主。


犹他州承包商BIG-D建筑的首席执行官罗布·摩尔(Rob Moore)与1,500名州工人一起告诉州官员,他支持疫苗,但公司调查说,有20%的工人没有,可能会离开公司。费用顾问骑手莱维特·巴克纳尔(Levett Bucknall)的高管指出,供应链成本很高,他说疫苗规定“可能会无意中加剧[所有者]已经担心财务风险。”18luck.cub点击这里.

ABC's Brubeck met recently with White House officials to express contractor concerns about potential worker departures, particularly with the huge infrastructure funding package looming, but he sees no change in the Dec. 8 vaccination deadline for federal contractor employees and says the OSHA temporary standard’s release is “imminent.” He says "jobsites are safe but sequencing is tight. A lot of companies are trying to manage owners’ expectations."


总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)在最近的中西部建筑工地访问中推动了Covid-19-19疫苗,但如果工人对离开联邦承包商或拥有100多名员工的联邦承包商或公司的威胁良好,则工人反对美国的授权,可以提高行业营业率。


As a post-COVID retention incentive, HITT Contracting paid out bonuses to about 60% to its 1,300 workers, up to $10,000 each, for a total of about $4 million. “It’s important to us to ensure that team members know they’re the heart of our business, especially during one of the most difficult times in recent history,” says CEO Kim Roy. “This labor shortage was already a struggle at the end of 2019.” She notes unfilled company roles even with 15% staff growth this year that includes new positions filled such as data analysts, research managers “and experts in employee and client experience.”


承包商也扩大了其人力资源e operation, Roy points out, "but we also see our team members as an extension of our recruiting team through their personal and social media networks."

Despite Boston’s building boom, unions officials there claim they are keeping up with labor demand. “We have not had a situation where we have not been able to staff a project,” says Frank Callahan, president of the Massachusetts Building Trades Council.

—Ben Brubeck, Associated Builders and Contractors vice president

But many also point to the bigger push and critical need for workforce diversity efforts.

Todd, who is Black and has faced bias incidents on jobsites that include deliberate vandalism of her equipment, says construction "can't afford not to be inclusive. It's vital to industry growth." She suggests that firms create internal set-asides and diversity goals for projects, "not simply when required. The only way to see change is to take deliberate action. What gets measured gets done. The system has been broken a long time."

尤维特·皮尔森(Yvette Pearson)是公民工程教育家,新名字得出的德克萨斯 - 达拉斯大学多样性,公平与包容性副校长,他告诉美国最近一次土木工程师会议的虚拟参与者,“我们无法解决一个异质社会所面临的问题与均质的问题解决者。”她补充说:“我们无法设计弹性的基础设施……如果不认识到社会正义是重要的部分。我们必须利用工程师的知识来获得良好的社会成果。”

首届组织者建筑包容周in mid-October, launched by several large contractors to focus more action on outreach and needed culture change needed to have more under-represented groups working on jobsites and rising in companies. said that more than 1,100 firms participated.

DPR Construction首席执行官倡议联席主席乔治·普弗弗(George Pfeffer)承认,“一周不会解决”行业问题,但在一个零散的行业中,他说:“团体正在进行以前从未进行过对话。”Pfeffer将这项工作视为年度活动。他说:“这是社会意义的,但更有意义,人们正在得到它。”“它有可能使任何其他事情都产生巨大的影响。”

在上个月与美国劳工部长马丁·沃尔什(Martin Walsh)的会议上,建筑工会成员和前区域官员,公司和工会高管寻求劳动力支持方案,包括移民改革,以使“另一个左右熟练的工艺”合法化工作状态,Pfeffer说。沃尔什(Walsh)表示,根据一名会议成员的评估,美国“在计划中逾期35年”,以解决改革问题,但“没有国会行动,内阁部门……绑架了他们”。沃尔什(Walsh)还敦促公司加大努力,以帮助培训组织获得“重要”的部门赠款和其他资金,以开发和扩展计划。

木匠工会秘书长汤姆·弗林(Tom Flynn)表示,现在,妇女在全国范围内约占联盟排名的9%,截至2020年末,马萨诸塞州所有贸易学徒的11%占2012年的5%。



鉴于劳动力的挑战,新的基础设施筹资法案的通过可能是一个混乱的祝福。到2025年,该行业可能会短期150万至200万工人,估计是国家建筑教育与研究中心主席博伊德·沃舍姆(Boyd Worsham)。

With staffing crunches of their own. public sector agencies could be challenged in how quickly they can set up and award funded projects, STV CEO Greg Kelly told peers at EFCG. “Agencies face the same demographics we do,” he said. “There will be a lag effect for how this flows into the pipeline.”

美国工程委员会Cos。Seart。史蒂芬·霍尔(Steven Hall)补充说,“不确定新承包商疫苗是否要求以联邦资金向州和过境机构进行下降。”

While studies show most employees prefer to keep remote work a big part of their worklife, Kelly raised issues of the impact on project team dynamics in executing the expanded infrastructure effort, as well as other programs.

“We can’t do this from our couch wearing a hoodie,” he says. "We're in a project based business and we have to find ways to bring our employees together for team approaches."