

佐治亚州的运输部计划将格林县的44个州际公路范围从两条车道扩大到四个车道。城市区将包括一个16英尺高的中间,自行车道,人行道和每个方向的两个11英尺宽的车道。乡村区域将包括一个32英尺的凹陷中位数,每个方向都有11英尺宽的车道和12英尺宽的车道,以及在6.5英尺宽的肩膀上的自行车道。该项目的价值为1.109亿美元。佐治亚州运输部,600 W. Peachtree St. NW,亚特兰大,30308。DR#11-00662251。


Hunt Forest Products Inc. and Tolko Industries Ltd. are planning to build the Bienville Parish Sawmill in Taylor. Sourcing timber locally, the sawmill will require approximately 1.3 million tons of wood annually to produce an estimated 320 million board feet of lumber. The facility will be located on approximately 225 acres. Construction is expected to start in May 2022 and be completed by July 2023. The project is valued at $240 million. Hunt Forest Products Inc., 401 E. Reynolds Drive, Ruston, 71273. DR#21-00714802.


Oriden LLC and Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems are planning to construct a 450-mile-long hydrogen gas pipeline. It will carry hydrogen produced by converting treated and polished water from the Berkeley Pit Mine, a no longer operational open pit copper mine, located in Butte. The hydrogen will be produced through electrolysis, which leaves only oxygen and water vapor as a byproduct. The hydrogen gas would be transferred via the pipeline and then stored in salt domes in Delta, Utah. The project is valued at $450 million. Oriden LLC, 106 Isabella St., Pittsburgh, Pa., 15212. DR#20-00621436.


Enlaw LLC计划在Ivins的Entrada建造黑色沙漠度假胜地。它将包括150间酒店客房,多家餐厅和最多302个公寓单元。它是由Urban Design Group LLC设计的。该项目的价值在2500万至5000万美元之间。Ellaw LLC,ATTN:帕特里克·曼宁(Patrick Manning),圣克拉拉(Santa Clara)2691,圣塔克拉拉(Santa Clara),84765。DR#20-00678147。



Amtrak目前正在评估寻求在旧莱姆和老Saybrook之间跨越康涅狄格河的1,600英尺长的宽阔桥梁的公司提交的竞标,以取代1907年建立的现有铁路升降机桥梁。新桥将位于52英尺南方南部现有跨度。预计建设将于2024年开始,并于2030年完成。该项目的价值为6.6亿美元。Amtrak,Attn:Martin Klein,2955 Market St.,Philadelphia,Pa。,19104年。DR#17-00640338。


The Great Lakes Water Authority is currently evaluating submitted bids from construction management-at-risk firms seeking to carry out a water transmission main relocation project. The project entails constructing approximately 2.5 miles of 96-in.-dia water transmission main and also constructing four valve vault stations equipped with 84-in.-dia isolation valves at locations along the existing 96-in.-dia main. The project also involves the design, build and operation of a temporary water booster pumping station to maintain uninterrupted water service during construction on the existing 96-in. main. The reason for the relocation is that the existing main currently traverses an EPA National Priorities List landfill site, a portion of which is submerged in landfill leachate. The project is valued at $150 million. Great Lakes Water Authority, Attn: Gerald Moore, Project Manager, 735 Randolph St., Detroit, 48226. DR#19-00689953.


Lane Construction has started carrying out the Kansas City levee flood risk management project. The project entails raising 90,000 ft of levees and floodwall along the Argentine, Armourdale and central industrial district levee units. Efforts include an approximate four to five-ft raise to be completed with a combination of levee raises, floodwall replacements, new floodwall, and levee and floodwall modifications. Other features include modifications to gatewells, utility relocations and numerous railroad closure structures. Underseepage improvements include berms and relief wells. The project is expected to be completed in 2026. The project owner is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The contract is valued at $258 million. Lane Construction Corp., 90 Fieldstone Court, Cheshire, Conn., 06410. DR#20-00733969.

Bid, Proposal Dates

伊利诺伊州11/19加勒斯堡公共图书馆区正在寻求竞标者来建造新的盖尔斯堡公共图书馆。这座两层楼的68,000平方英尺的建筑将位于264 W. Main St.它是由Feh Associates Inc.设计的,River City Construction LLC是建筑经理。该项目的价值为2200万美元。盖尔斯堡公共图书馆区,ATTN:诺埃尔·汤普森(Noelle Thompson),董事,盖尔斯堡(Galesburg)E. Simmons St. 40号,61401。DR#11-00669027。
OREGON 12/8 The West Linn-Wilsonville School District is seeking bidders to build the new Athey Creek Middle School in West Linn. The project entails building a two-story, 114,000-sq-ft building, parking lots, a track and outdoor play areas. The school has been designed by DOWA-IBI Group. The project is valued at $62 million. West Linn-Wilsonville School, Attn: Amy Berger, 2755 SW Borland Rd., West Linn, 97068. DR#19-00889991. n