Nucor Corp.计划在其现有的五个酒吧磨坊之一(亚利桑那州的金曼;犹他州普利茅斯;华盛顿州西雅图;内布拉斯州诺福克市;或德克萨斯州的犹太人)建造一家钢熔体商店。项目范围包括建造建筑空间和设备基础;结构钢的勃起;安装电弧炉和铸造设备;以及购买和安装高架起重机,冷却塔,储藏筒和空气排放控制设备。该工厂将有能力每年生产60万吨钢。Nucor将在内部管理施工。预计融化商店将在2024年投入运营。估计的EPC成本为1亿美元。Nucor Corp.,1915年Rexford Rd。,北卡罗来纳州夏洛特市,28211年。IR#UT210905。


Smith & Wesson is planning to construct a firearms plant on a 236-acre site at the Partnership Park North in Maryville. The project scope includes construction of a building; and purchase, relocation and installation of racking, and machining, injection molding, curing, testing, and assembly equipment. MBI Companies Inc. has been selected to provide design services and the Christman Company has been selected to provide construction services. Construction is expected to begin in the mid-to-late fourth quarter of 2021. Operations will be consolidated from the company’s manufacturing plants in Columbia, Mo. and Springfield, Mass. and its distribution center in Deep River, Conn. The estimated EPC cost is $125 million. Smith & Wesson, 2100 Roosevelt Ave., Springfield, Mass., 01104. IR#TN211001.


ABB Group is planning to construct an electrical equipment research and development, production and office campus in New Berlin. The project scope includes construction of a 270,000-sq-ft R&D and production building, a 309,000-sq-ft warehouse and a 7,000-sq-ft connector building; purchase and installation of lathes, and fabrication, milling, machining, and assembly equipment. Briohn Building Corp. has been selected as the design-builder. Construction of the warehouse is expected to begin in late 2021 and construction of the R&D and production facility in March 2022. The estimated EPC cost is between $50 million and $60 million. ABB Group, 16250 Glendale Drive, New Berlin, 53151. IR#WI210907.