
密苏里大学的Mizzou沥青路面和创新实验室(MAPIL)正在与Dow Inc.和密苏里州运输部(MODOT)的资金合作。根据大学新闻稿,沥青和塑料都来自原油。这使它们在化学上足够相似,可以混合在一起。塑料添加剂预计将在现有道路上增加三到五年,而在新的人行道上增加了五年或更长时间。

The mixture is currently being tested along a nearly two-mile stretch of Stadium Boulevard in Columbia near U.S. Highway 63 that carries an estimated 36,000 daily vehicles. The boulevard will be observed for at least a year, to capture the effects of a summer and a winter. So far no changes have been observed ever since the road was fully paved at the end of summer. MAPIL used more than 15 tons of plastic in four miles of asphalt overlay that was an inch thick. This is the equivalent of 1.26 million water bottles or 2.37 million plastic bags.

Bill Buttlar, who leads the MAPIL team, kept in mind the supply and demand required for a widespread application of the plastic mixture.



The test sections on Stadium Boulevard will also include a control sectionconsisting of a pavement mixture commonly used and approved by MoDOT, according to the release. An additional test section uses a pavement mixture including a chemically modified, recycled ground scrap tire rubber. The ground tire rubber test is being conducted in collaboration with Asphalt Plus, LLC.

Modot的研究主管詹妮弗·哈珀(Jennifer Harper)说:“如果我们找到一种制作这项工作的方法,那么我们在这个国家到处都有道路,因此这可能会改变游戏规则。如果做得正确,这种混合物可以解决很多问题。我们看到,当我们使混合物进入更高的生产时,这种添加剂确实可以有所作为。”

由梅根·古蒂埃里(Megan Guttieri)