



CONTRACTOR:PC Construction和H.J. Russell合资企业(PC/Russell JV)

领导设计公司:River to Tap (R2T) and Stantec JV

结构工程师:Black & Veatch

民事和MEP工程师:River to Tap (R2T)


除了将一次性采石场转变为24亿加仑的原水存储设施外,该项目团队(由PC Construction和H.J. Russell&Co。的建筑经理At风险合资企业领导),驶入了12.5英里的5英里。FT-DIA隧道穿过硬片状片岩基岩以下400英尺以上。盲孔钻孔创建了11英尺深的235英尺深的深度硬岩石隧道通道轴,直径在8英尺至40英尺之间。新的2亿和13500万加仑的泵站管理从查塔胡奇河到采石场的两向水流,以使治疗系统保持平衡。

亚特兰大高级流域董事阿德·阿伯恩(Ade Abon)说,缺水的后果超过了与如此雄心勃勃的项目范围和日程安排相关的许多不确定性。他补充说,这使CMAR成为挑战的最佳交付工具。

“The city couldn’t solve the technical problems by itself, and we couldn’t afford a long, drawn-out design and construction process,” Abon says. “CMAR gave us the expertise we needed.”

PC Construction project director Bob Huie adds that the project team readily embraced the city’s mantra that “time is king” while also providing the collaborative environment necessary to find optimal solutions to sometimes knotty problems.

“On a project like this, people get to see what other major stakeholders do,” Huie says of the approach’s benefit. “Because they know more about it and understand the nuances of it, they can coordinate their work and participate in the process at a higher level. That creates better efficiency and higher quality.”

submersible pumps

The project required the installation of three 1,800- hp, 40-milliongallon- per-day submersible pumps fabricated by German manufacturer Andritz for the quarry pump station.
布莱恩·格拉斯(Brian Grassel)的照片


CMAR’s benefits were apparent when the PC/Russell joint venture joined lead engineers Stantec and River to Tap Inc. at the 30-percent design stage. With tunnel mining forming the backbone of both the water system and construction’s critical path, the original plan called for the project to be built in two phases.
当对设计团队的概念进行广泛的构建前评估,以这种方法发现了潜在的预算和时间表问题时,该市将这项工作巩固为单一合同。PC Construction表示,这使团队能够重新设计,重新协调和重新确定工作,最终从计划中减少了数百万美元。

When construction kicked off in December 2015, the project team still had a full plate of tunneling-related challenges to solve, some of which were as old as time itself. Adam Bedell, Stantec’s senior lead geologist and assistant resident engineer for the project, explains that the sharply varying characteristics of Atlanta’s Piedmont saprolitic soils and bedrock made accurate borings a must, particularly for such a long, complex route.

“We also had to consider the effect of a pressurized tunnel on groundwater conditions and its proximity to other existing underground infrastructure,” Bedell adds.


布莱恩·格拉斯(Brian Grassel)的照片

Then there was the matter of using a relatively inexperienced workforce to handle what would be a nearly continuous 48-month tunneling effort spread across four sites and combining drill-and-blast techniques with a 400-ft-long, 12.5-ft-dia tunnel-boring machine, nicknamed “Tunnel Mike.”

Jacob Coibion, project manager for tunneling subcontractor Guy F. Atkinson Construction, which teamed with Technique Concrete Construction for the project, explains that many Atlanta-area trade workers with underground experience had left the area following the conclusion of the city’s last major infrastructure construction effort several years earlier.




布莱恩·格拉斯(Brian Grassel)的照片


另一种安全改编正等待着2020年亚特兰大供水计划,因为Covid-19的传播使该项目的最后几个月变得复杂。项目团队在各种元素完成后实施了掩盖,社交距离和其他措施,但是对于预定的春季组装和安装三个1800 hp,300英尺长的40 mgd潜水泵将需要另一种方法德国制造商安德里兹(Andritz)为采石场泵站。

- 雅各布·科比恩(Jacob Coibion​​),盖伊·F·阿特金森建筑项目经理




照片由Ulrich Brinkmann摄影

“Knowing they’d have no direct supervision, our team had made the most of the delay, preparing for the process and communicating with their counterparts in Germany to understand exactly how the pumps worked,” Huie says. “As it turned out, the people at Andritz said it was one of the better installation and commissioning jobs they had.”

The same could be said for the overall project. According to the PC/Russell joint venture, the work was completed for $5 million below the $321.3 million guaranteed maximum price, and there were no recordable incidents or lost-time accidents among the team’s 209,000 hours on the job.


“日常项目的合作成功ful,” he says. “When we encountered problems, we all got together around the table and analyzed issues. Everyone shared the risk, understood the problems and participated in solving them. It goes to show that when people come together with a common goal and work in the best interests of the project, you can get some tremendous results,” he says.
