The waiting will continue a bit longer for the long-awaited $1-trillion infrastructure bill.

After reports circulated that the House would vote on Oct. 28 on the package, a top priority for the construction industry, the chamber instead passed a further stopgap extension of federal surface transportation programs.



Industry Disappointed

Construction and engineering groups were unhappy to see another short-term bill. Tom Smith, the American Society of Civil Engineers' executive director, said in a statement that again delaying the $1-trillion package "will have profound impacts."

He said that multiple stopgaps will prevent cities and states from advancing "critical transportation projects that connect people to jobs, improve public safety and make our communities more resilient."

国家石头,砂与砾石协会的政府和监管事务副总裁米歇尔·史丹利(Michele Stanley)表示:“我们再次感到非常失望,因为众议院的政治继续持有人质,这是美国人民渴望的两党基础设施​​法案国家迫切需要。”

Stanley said that "the question today is not whether votes can be secured to support the IIJA, rather what can some members of Congress get in return for their vote before casting it."

Stephen E. Sandherr, the Associated General Contractors of America's chief executive officer, criticized members of both parties turning again to a transportation extension bill instead of the broader infrastructure measure.

"The Republican leadership chose to urge its members to oppose a bill that President Trump would have proudly signed into law," he said. "At the same time, many progressive Democrats opted to vote against the bill because of their ongoing desire to use the measure as leverage to pass a massive, partisan spending measure that would significantly expand the role of the federal government in many aspects of the economy."

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said in a letter released in the evening to House Democrats, "The good news is that most members who were not prepared for a yes vote today have expressed their commitment to support the [IIJA]."

Biden's $1.9T Framework

一天始于乔·拜登(Joe Biden)总统对另一项主要立法提案的揭幕,这是一个庞大的1.9万亿美元框架,重点介绍了健康,教育和其他社会安全网络地区,旨在抵消气候变化危害的措施。

拜登在白宫的讲话中正式宣布的Build Back Bet Better Better框架有一些与建筑有关的规定,其中包括数十亿美元用于负担得起的住房和针对自然灾害的弹性,以及用于重新连接的客运铁路,联邦建筑和高速公路资金的资金社区除以高速公路。

[View White House fact sheet off Build Back Better frameworkhere。]


Apparently the Biden framework didn't satisfy the liberal Democrats.

The plan has been to take up Biden’s framework under budget reconciliation, a procedure that protects bills from a Senate filibuster.

The1,684-page textof the plan was posted just hours after Biden’s speech. It still would require House and Senate approval.

Democrats hold thin margins in both houses of Congress, but the negotiations leading up to Biden’s framework announcement displayed the divisions between Democrats’ centrist and progressive wings.

Scaled-Back Plan

At $1.85 trillion, the new proposal is scaled back sharply from an earlier $3.5-trillion plan.

Biden said, "No one got everything they wanted, including me, but that’s what compromise is.”

Among the provisions that didn’t make the cut are plans for family leave for workers and a proposed $250-billion clean energy performance program. That program would provide grants to electric utilities that increase the clean-energy share of total electricity supplied.

But significant climate-related provisions remain in the plan.


A White House summary estimates the measure's climate funding and other assistance at $555 billion.

Abigail Ross Hopper, Solar Energy Industry Association president and CEO, noted that at that level, climate and clean energy provisions account for more than 30% of the package's total.

She said in a statement that the framework includes “the most ambitious and transformational clean energy policies we’ve ever seen from Congress.”

Climate provisions include extensions and expansion of current clean energy tax credits and a new rebate focused on electrification.

大约1050亿美元将会增加弹性against natural disasters. That includes $6 billion for coastal states to restore and protect habitats and resources. But some of the resilience funding would go for protecting forests, farmland and other non-building purposes.


Another construction-related element of the package is $100 billion for housing with some of the funds directed to building, rehabilitating and upgrading more than 1 million units of affordable housing. Some of that funding, however, would go for rental and down-payment assistance.

Highways, Water, Buildings Funding


该法案中的联邦高速公路赠款约有10亿美元,用于减少碳减少碳,而杰夫·戴维斯(Jeff Davis)是ENO运输中心的高级研究员,在Twi18luck官网tter上指出,乘客铁路为100亿美元。


In the buildings sector, $2.4 billion would go towards US Dept. of Veterans Affairs facilities and $500 million to the US General Services Administration to upgrade other federal buildings to "high-performance green buildings."

To pay for the framework, Biden is proposing several new revenue-raisers, including a 15% minimum tax on corporations’ income, which the White House estimates would raise $325 billion. There also would be a 1% surcharge on corporate stock buybacks, raising $125 billion; and a tax surcharge on the income of the wealthiest 0.02% of individual taxpayers. That is estimated to raise $230 billion.