
Christiansted, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands



OWNER:U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District

领导设计公司,结构,土木工程师:Zapata Inc.


Faced with the risk of a COVID-19 outbreak on St. Croix—an island with limited health care infrastructure—the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers oversaw a federal effort to rapidly deliver an alternate care facility to ensure that severely ill and infectious patients would have access to appropriate treatments.

鉴于立即需求,兵团呼吁Conti联邦服务设计,并将现有的国民卫队营房转化为48床急性护理设施 - 仅22天。

Conti项目高管Patrick Hogan表示,该项目的关键任务性质有助于推动团队并推动其供应商提供。“Col..Hibner [Usace Savannah区的指挥官]下来并给出了一个关于这个使命的歌剧演讲,“他回忆道。“我们留下了漂亮的抽水,在22天内做不到的。”

To say that the project team for the new COVID-19 Alternate Care Facility on St. Croix went the extra mile would be an understatement. To expedite delivery of the project in the U.S. Virgin Islands, regular flights—often on small aircraft—were required to bring in workers and materials from the U.S. mainland, Puerto Rico and other neighboring islands.


covid hospital

照片由Pat Hogan,Courtesy Conti Federal Services

Skids for the water pumps needed to be manufactured for the job, so Hogan says he called on a supplier who bought workers back into the shop to build the skids. “The guy had his people build it in one day,” Hogan says. “He drove it himself down to Trenton [N.J.] airport and they put it on a C-130 [airplane].”

简约的设计、交付方法下,designers worked sometimes around the clock to address project needs. The most technically complex element was the HVAC system, which required constant negative air pressure to isolate infectious patients from other patients and staff. With only 30 hours remaining until the official ribbon-cutting, testing of the negative air pressure showed a need to add additional HVAC duct to several rooms. “It just so happened that a warehouse in St. Thomas had 12 of them, so we sent a Cessna over to pick it up,” Hogan says.

covid hospital

照片由Pat Hogan,Courtesy Conti Federal Services



Because Conti Federal was flying personnel in and out of St. Croix at a time when infrastructure, such as Customs and Border Protection, were being restricted, Conti Federal engaged with the U.S. Virgin Islands Dept. of Health to develop a COVID-19 assessment program. The team followed the department’s COVID-19 protocols and invited the department to monitor the team on site.

covid hospital

照片由Pat Hogan,Courtesy Conti Federal Services

The contractor then implemented a detailed COVID-19 preparedness and response plan that established safe working guidelines for all team members. Worker protections included engineering controls, administrative controls, safe work practices, awareness training and personal protective equipment.
此外,每个人员都使用了自己的一组工具 - 定期消毒 - 没有在船员之间分享。每个房间都需要最小化物质处理和船员运动所需的数量。

Although crews often had to work long shifts, safety protocols were strictly enforced and there were no lost-time accidents or OSHA recordable incidents.