As one of Bentley Systems’ flagship applications, ProjectWise is well-known in the engineering, architecture, and construction (AEC) industry. In fact, many of the ENR Top 100 companies rely on Bentley Systems’ enterprise collaboration solution ProjectWise Design Integration. It provides them with secure access to data when they need it for reviewing or sharing, as well as the ability to view multiple software formats and track progress throughout a project’s lifecycle, ultimately enabling complete design integration and work-in-progress coordination for large complex projects.


输入ProjectWise 365。

At its Year in Infrastructure (YII) event in 2017, Bentley introduced ProjectWise 365 as part of the ProjectWise CONNECT Edition. In 2019, it became available as a standalone service when the organization announced ProjectWise 365 cloud services at the last YII event in Singapore. Bentley introduced a new portal for ProjectWise 365 in October 2020, offering free subscriptions to help infrastructure teams who were working remotely stay connected and remain productive.

如今,ProjectWise 365是一种软件服务(SaaS),它使团队能够轻松合作,进行设计评论,跟踪工程项目的进度以及内部或与他人共享数据,例如所有者,客户,供应商,供应商和18luck官网利益相关者。


Robert DeFeo, Bentley Systems’ director of product strategy, project delivery and product manager for ProjectWise 365, explains the latest iteration.

“The application helps small-to-medium businesses (SMBs) collaborate easily through a browser so that they can deliver projects faster,” he says. “Project teams can work independently on internal projects or coordinate on external projects with owners and clients.”

The primary benefits are design collaboration, support for multiple file formats, real-time document and design reviews, streamlined issues resolution, and collaboration with external owners and clients. “As models are the core of any engineering project,” DeFeo says, “it is crucial that design teams have the ability to review and track the status of their models, as well as share progress with owners and clients to get engineering projects completed on time and on budget. ProjectWise 365 allows not only designers, but any project team member to participate in a real-time design review.”

ProjectWise 365是阿尔so equipped with several tools for tracking issues, such as from a design review, deliverable package, or an ad hoc issue. A central dashboard helps visualize issues assigned for action.

Defeo解释说,了解项目的状态是无价的。他说:“有了ProjectWise 365,项目经理可以看到项目状态和仍然需要解决的问题。”“团队可以看到需要关注的优先任务,还可以看到其他人在做什么,这意味着他们不必中断同事,从而使他们能够专注于设计和富有成效。”

The ability to create deliverables and track them is another key feature of the project collaboration portal. Users can see if the deliverables have been acknowledged by the recipient and whether they have been addressed, or whether it is a transmittal or an RFI.

Defeo说:“一般信函已在项目中注册和捕获,并通过完整的审计踪迹,即谁发送了什么日期和日期,您可以跟踪它是否已及时解决。” Defeo说。“用户可以在仪表板上查看所有这些信息,以查看任何延迟,是什么原因导致延迟和负责的人,帮助他们在项目上做出更明智的决定,并将该信息传递给其他项目,以便将来可以避免。”18luck官网


Sharing information externally is critical for design teams. With ProjectWise 365, users don’t have to worry about protecting intellectual property, as it runs securely on Microsoft Azure cloud services.

ProjectWise 365不仅是一个安全的服务,而且还具有吸引力的是它旨在使文件共享简单。对于使用ProjectWise设计集成的公司,还有一个“连接”功能。

Don’t just take our word for it, though.

主管Thami Mpala Hydro-Utilities Consulting Engineers (Pvt) Ltd., says that, “We needed to ensure our engineers could quickly and easily collaborate with the larger project team, whether working on site, from home or any other location. We believe ProjectWise 365 will enable this by providing a fully web-based solution for internal and external project stakeholders to access real-time project documents, provide feedback on designs and manage outstanding tasks, to maximize our productivity and competitive efficiencies.”

公司using ProjectWise Design Integration can give team members, clients and consultants easier access to their data and documents via ProjectWise 365. This web access is secure and can be controlled allowing accessibility to only the project information they need to collaborate effectively.

In terms of simplicity, ProjectWise 365 also enables companies to work with different file formats.

Bentley recognizes that AEC industry firms use many different file formats. When it comes to integration, in addition to sharing Bentley DGN files, ProjectWise 365 also supports AutoCAD’s DWG files and Revit files, as well as IFC and other formats. Engineers and designers can continue to work in their familiar desktop applications, while coordinating their data with the project team via cloud services. This coordination is effortless and without disruption to their workflows.

Gregory J. Ellwanger, project engineer at BLA, Inc., explains that, “The present work-from-home conditions and coordination with multiple parties highlights how critical it is to our business and our role as prime consultant on projects that our project teams always stay connected and productive. ProjectWise 365 cloud services enable us to rapidly deploy a common BIM collaboration environment that avoids the data silos, coordination delays and the other limitations we’ve experienced while using network drives, file-sharing services and email.”

Instant-on, Affordable Project Collaboration

ProjectWise 365 is focused on design-work-in-progress and collaboration throughout an engineering project, where other industry project collaboration applications are geared for construction workflows. In addition to design collaboration and PDF markup capabilities, users have access to Microsoft 365 document editing and can collaborate on projects right from Microsoft Teams.

由于ProjectWise 365可以通过Web门户访问,因此公司不必担心它的昂贵,以使其启动并运行。相反,用户只需登录。

The interface provides users with the steps necessary to set up a project. In addition, there is a resource center that offers additional resources to learn more about the available features, including videos and an announcements section so that when a new feature is released users are notified. Users can also submit feature requests directly to Bentley’s product management team.

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