

KORE Power Inc. is planning to build the KOREPlex lithium battery manufacturing facility in Buckeye. The single-story, 1-million-sq-ft building will support up to 12 gigawatt hours of battery cell production per year. WG Yates & Sons Construction has been selected as the general contractor. Construction is expected to start in May 2022. The project is valued at $500 million. KORE Power Inc., 1875 N. Lakewood Drive, Coeur D’Alene, Idaho, 83814. DR#21-00717760.
INDIANA Northern Indiana Public Service Co. (NIPSCO) and NextEra Energy Resources LLC are planning to construct the Cavalry Solar power plant in White County. It will generate 200 MW of electricity and also have 60 MW of battery storage. NextEra will construct the solar farm, and NIPSCO will enter into a joint venture to own and operate it once construction is complete. Next Era Energy Resources LLC, 700 Universe Blvd., North Palm Beach, Fla., 33408. DR#20-00763413.


圣Therese计划建造圣人存在se of Corcoran Senior Living facility in Corcoran. The four-story building will contain 154 independent-living and assisted-living units, as well as a 64-bed skilled nursing facility. Construction is expected to start in June 2022 and be completed by July 2023. The project is valued at $70 million. Saint Therese, 1660 Highway 100 South, St. Louis Park, 55416. DR#21-00827870.


宾夕法尼亚收费公路委员会计划将收费公路扩大到英尺之间的六个车道。Littleton Interchange在富尔顿县都柏林镇的Milepost 180,在Tuscarora隧道以西的Huntingdon县都柏林镇的Milepost 186。该项目将包括重建现有的道路,以容纳六个12英尺宽的行进车道,左右肩膀12英尺,中间障碍物,以及几种现有的几个不合格水平曲线和更换五个主线桥。预计建设将于2024年7月开始,并于2027年7月完成。该项目的价值为1.5亿美元。宾夕法尼亚收费公路委员会Box 67676,哈里斯堡,17106。DR#20-00471574。


弗吉尼亚大学计划在夏洛茨维尔校园的Ivy Road和Cameron Lane交叉路口建造一栋建筑物,以安置Karsh民主研究所。这座65,000平方英尺的建筑将包含一个支持技术的礼堂;可以为大学社区和大型社会进行电视转播/播放的研讨会,课程和活动的空间;以及可为学生,教职员工和更广泛社区的学生重新配置的工作空间和公共场所。它是由Howeler&Yoon Architecture设计的。该项目价值1亿美元。弗吉尼亚大学,ATTN:布鲁斯·杰克逊(Bruce Jackson),1490莱克巷(Leake Lane),夏洛茨维尔(Charlottesville),22902。DR#21-00688905。



Methuen Construction Co.已开始在Kittery的朴次茅斯海军造船厂建造干码头2。这项工作需要制造和安装21,500平方英尺的外壳,包括两个塔楼,储藏区,轨道通道,高湾工作区域,三个桥梁起重机,可移动屋顶,访问控制和相关的HVAC,机械,电气,电气,电气,电气,警报,控制和通信系统以及1,600平方英尺的模块化外壳。该项目的价值为5470万美元。Methuen Construction Co.,N.H.Plaistow,Main St. 144,03865。DR#20-00787480。


JE Dunn Construction has started carrying out an expansion of the Norman Regional Health System Healthplex. The three-story, 232,000-sq-ft addition will contain 292 acute inpatient beds (an increase of 124 beds), and includes increased space for the emergency department, operating rooms and other services. The project also includes renovation of 84,000 sq ft of the existing facility. The estimated $175 million project was designed by HGA. JE Dunn Construction, 4 E. Sheridan Ave., Oklahoma City, 73104. DR#21-00468956.

Bid, Proposal Dates


The Ada County Board of Commissioners is seeking bidders to construct a coroner’s office replacement facility in Meridian. The two-story, 40,000-sq-ft building will include a lobby, office space, record storage, ample temperature-controlled body and tissue storage, autopsy facilities, observation space, an enclosed sally port, general public and secured staff parking and landscaping. Construction is expected to begin in February 2022. The project is valued at $30.5 million. Ada County Board of Commissioners, Attn: Alyssa Ellington, 200 W. Front St., Boise, 83702. DR#19-00926247.


12/8 The East Bay Municipal Utility District is seeking bidders to carry out improvements to the disinfection and chemical systems at the Orinda Water Treatment Plant in Oakland. The project entails demolition of the existing grounds maintenance building and service building and construction of a new ultraviolet disinfection facility and chlorine contact basin complex; construction of an effluent 1 isolation vault; modifications to the raw water spillway and gates and controls at the nearby Briones Center; and demolition and replacement of chemical feed systems. The project is valued at between $200 million and $220 million. East Bay Municipal Utility District, Attn: Jeff Bandy, 375 11th St., Oakland, 94607. DR#18-00688322. n