
Firms awarded contracts are Bechtel National Inc., Reston, Va.; Dragados/Hawaiian Dredging/Orion JV, Honolulu; ECC Infrastructure LLC, Burlingame, Calif.; Kiewit-Alberici SIOP MACC JV, Vancouver, Wash., and Tutor-Perini Corp.-NAN Joint Venture, Sylmar, Calif.


[View Dept. of Defense contract award noticehere。]

The companies will compete for task orders related primarily to preconstruction work at Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility in Hawaii and Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and IMF in Washington state, as well as other services related to the Navy’s $21- billion program to upgrade its shipyards' infrastructure, says NAVFAC.

The contract terms are for up to eight years or total cumulative value of $8 billion, whichever is reached first.

NAVFAC指挥官后来的约翰·科卡(John Korka)在一份声明中说,合同将在监管流程完成后在造船厂开始设计和翻新工作。

9月,NAVFAC授予了总部位于檀香山的WSM Pacific SIOP合资企业的五年,5亿美元的ID/IQ合同,用于在珍珠港和Puget Sound设施的结构和海滨现代化项目设计。18luck官网

USS Olympia submarine arrives at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard美国海军计划在华盛顿州现代化普吉特海湾海军造船厂。Photo: U.S. Navy/Mass Communication Specialist Amanda R. Gray

The Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Program (is a 20-year, $21-billion effort to modernize the infrastructure at the Pearl Harbor, Puget Sound, Norfolk, Va., and Portsmouth, Maine, naval shipyards, facilities that date to the 19th and 20th centuries. The projects will include dry dock repairs, restoring shipyard facilities, replacing aging equipment and related work.

“The Navy depends on our shipyards returning combat-ready ships and submarines to the fleet,” Korka said in a statement, adding that the modernization program “guides the Navy’s investment plan to achieve that. It’s a once-in-a-century effort."

As ENR previously reported,NAVFAC授予8月,一份17亿美元的合同,至381个奥马哈建设者,以扩大和重新配置北卡罗来纳州朴茨茅斯,造船厂干船坞的潜艇和6300万美元的合同,并在9月份向N.H. Methuen的Plaistow签订了9月的Methuen建设设施。

9月,NAVFAC向Jabez-Absher-1授予了2100万美元的合同,华盛顿州的Orting,JV,用于地震维修和安全改进,可追溯到1934年的Puget Sound Shiond造船厂。