
在11月10日letterto迈克尔·康纳(Michael Connor),newly confirmed assistant Army secretary for civil works, the Environmental Defense Fund and dozens of other groups ask Corps officials to “improve and evolve” strategies for addressing current and future flood risks tied to climate change.


A spokesperson for Connor said the Corps will consider issues raised in the letter. The Corps already is addressing some climate change risks through programs such as与自然的工程.





“在我们迅速改变气候的世界中,上一个世纪的标准洪水风险降低操作程序已不再足够,” EDF气候弹性海岸和流域副总裁Natalie Snider在一份声明中说。

The Corps has already started looking at nature-based flood risk management, releasing in September in its与自然的工程initiative, the 1,000-page “International Guidelines on Natural and Nature-Based Features for Flood Risk Management.” It highlights use of natural features along coasts such as beaches and dunes, coastal wetlands, islands, reefs and aquatic vegetation, as well as river, floodplain and wetland restoration and other nature-based solutions for fluvial systems.

十月,军团释放了气候适应and Resilience Plan作为拜登政府面对气候危机的目标的一部分。该计划呼吁该机构采取诸如现代化计划以支持气候富裕投资的行动,并在计划工作时使用有关预计气候相关变化的信息。


When its New York District released a draft report following 2012's Superstorm Sandy on a plan for a $119-billion sea wall with gates from Queens to New Jersey, some officials criticized it as only addressing storm surge that would be insufficient to protect New York City from rising sea levels. In Texas, where the Corps has proposed a $28.87-billion plan with barriers and gates along the Gulf Coast, local experts have said additional defenses such as in-bay island barriers made of dredge material are needed as well.

EDF and the other groups say current Corps approaches to flood risks also don’t consider systemic inequities. Low-income communities and those of color are at greater flood risk and have more difficulty recovering from flood events. their letter states. The groups want the Corps to consider social costs and modify its cost-benefit analysis and decision-making processes to address equity, or to even waive benefit-cost ratio requirements for underserved communities to avoid bias in property values.

“The economic, environmental and social costs of ignoring the multiple flood threats impacting our coastal and riverine communities is astronomical,” the letter states. “We need to act now to take more holistic, equitable and long-term approaches to meet the very real and severe threats of a changing climate.”