SpeedCore. SpeedFloor. SpeedConnection. Speedier bridges. The American Institute of Steel Construction has created its own race against time, which AISC unabashedly admits is ambitious. The group is using its double identity as a structural steel booster and a technical organization to fund the development of tools to help building teams halve the time it takes to deliver steel buildings and simple steel bridges. And they hope to accomplish the 50% time reduction by 2025.

AISC研究总监Kevin Huber在该组织的10月27日至29日的Flash Virtual Steel会议上说,这是一个“大胆的目标”,该会议有1,000名注册人。



SpeedCore, AISC’s moniker for a high-rise shear-wall system of sandwich modules composed of tied steel plates field-filled with zero-rebar concrete, is furthest along. Structural engineer Magnusson Klemencic Associates pioneered the system in Seattle on the 850-ft-tall Rainier Square Tower, which opened last year.

MKA got approval to use the system in Seattle before AISC’s involvement, largely based on research at Purdue University funded by the Charles Pankow Foundation. The system of prefabricated modules, welded together in the field, cut the time it took to erect the building’s frame by more than 40%, compared to a concrete core with a perimeter steel frame.

Second Use of SpeedCore

MKA’s second use of SpeedCore, also field-welded, is on the 19-story 200 Park Avenue office building in San Jose, Calif., underway by Level 10 Construction. The building is expected to top out by the end of the year, instead of early this coming February as first planned. Thanks to more research primarily funded by AISC and Pankow, it is taking SpeedCore to the next level by eliminating field-applied fire protection on both sides of the wall panels, except in a 3-ft zone at the beam/girder-to-wall connections.

为了消除代码要求的消防,200个公园设计团队必须获得城市的批准。MKA董事长兼首席执行官Ron Klemencic说:“我们会见了当局,并介绍了阿米特·瓦玛(Amit Varma)团队的研究结果。”他补充说,此外,SLS顾问还提供了一些有关梁壁连接性能的补充分析。


虽然SpeedCore并未快速赶上,但MKA正在最终确定第三速度建筑物的设计,用于波士顿物业。它被称为171达特茅斯(Dartmouth),是用于波士顿的一个地点。特纳建筑波士顿是总承包商,桑顿·托马塞蒂(Thornton Tomasetti)是结构性同行评审者。MKA还在加利福尼亚州奥克兰的其他三个SpeedCore Office Towers的设计。

Bolted Field Splices

A hesitation on the part of some steel erectors is the field-welding involved. A version of SpeedCore is coming, thanks to research at the University at Buffalo and Purdue, that has bolted field splices in lieu of field-welding. “We intend to use bolted splices on the Boston project and this research will back up our design,” says Klemencic.

AISC expects to publish a SpeedCore design guide next year and include the system in the 2022 edition of the AISC Specifications and Provisions.


对于Speedfloor,AISC和Pankow期望按年底完成研究合同。MKA已经开发了两个模块化地板概念 - 一个用于40英尺跨度的办公室,在横梁上使用钢板,另一个用于住宅建筑物,具有20-25英尺的跨度,涉及两层金属甲板,上面是纤维水泥板。

Intumescent Paints Applied Offsite

AISC also is funding fire protection research for intumescent paints applied offsite. And there is research, expected to conclude in mid-2024, on optimizing rolled asymmetric shapes—where the top flange is larger than the bottom flange. “This will help reduce floor-to-floor heights,” Huber said.

SpeedConnection旨在再保险duce connection time. “We are looking at common connection types and determining what we might be able to do to speed up the overall process, with a focus on connections that are quicker to erect in the field,” says Huber.

Another Need for Speed project, for fabricators, involves augmented reality and smart glasses to assess connection details by overlaying models on physical pieces, with the goal of reducing requests for information.


In mid-2023, AISC plans to publish Standard Designs for Straight Steel I-Girder Bridges. Huber calls it an “IKEA catalog for bridges that would dramatically reduce design time.”