Photo Courtesy of Raymond Bucko

世界并没有在2012年结束,但至少要等待联邦运输资金法案的重新授权。一旦耗资1.44亿美元,27个月Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21)奥巴马总统于7月签署,州运输机构至少可以巩固未来两年的资本计划。但是,运输业官员哀叹这样一个事实,即即使是最无党派的问题,也遭受了最近历史上最激烈的党派大会之一。

That partisanship affected rail and transit, with high-speed rail a constant source of heated debate throughout the year. Even other modes like light rail and commuter rail received a scare in February, when美国众议院提议削减专用资金当他们辩论如何塑造MAP-21时。这种威胁消失了,加利福尼亚的高速巡回辩护人在秋季享有极大的希望,因为州长签署了一项法案,以使数十亿美元的努力保持活力。从西雅图要丹佛达拉斯

Still, transportation infrastructure advocates remained frustrated overall, as they tried diligently to bring the issue into the national spotlight, reminding the public and politicians that investment in infrastructure creates jobs and fixes potentially dangerous bridges and roads. The issue was thoroughly explored in theSeptember bridges issueEnr新利luck的关键基础设施系列。

Bright spots in 2012 included notable projects that allowed for the faster, cheaper and more efficient replacement of bridges, especially using accelerated bridge construction.Utah, Massachussetts and密苏里州等,完成了令人印象深刻的项目that use not only construction methods like SPMTs, but project delivery methods like design-build. With public-private partnership projects such as a new toll road, Route 460, and the休斯顿循环,弗吉尼亚州和德克萨斯州继续领导国家运输项目交付。肯塔基州和俄亥俄州都遵循其P3和设计建造奖项Ohio River Bridges

Los Angeles stepped up, embracing design-build, CM-at-risk and the Measure R-infusion of voter-approved funding, which fueled billions of dollars for运输和公路项目18luck官网。当Measure J时,该计划的确遭受了令人失望的打击,这将扩大措施和加速项目,而在11月的投票亭则损失了狭窄的利润率。18luck官网

Major airport expansion programs, such as in Miami and Atlanta, taxied into the gate, while others in Dallas, Los Angeles and费城升起。计划者开始讨论诸如面向航空的发展。此外,我们全年都向亚洲,非洲,南美,欧洲和中东的机场和运输工程提供了广泛的覆盖范围。

The New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority, which dealt with a tragic death from afallen crane以及ASAscary explosion在其庞大的,170亿美元的新建筑计划中,公众获得了罕见的荣誉毁灭性的处理wrought by超级风暴桑迪。纽约和新泽西的港口管理局宣布将加快筹集资金时,发出了新闻Bayonne Bridge并进行了大规模的康复乔治华盛顿桥

In fact, there were many notable bridge stories in 2012, starting with the selection of桥梁工程师西奥多·佐利(Theodore Zoli)作为ENR奖的卓越新利luck奖得主。当60亿美元时,承包商松了一口气奥克兰山弗朗西斯科湾桥被取消了其临时支撑,并在自定义的悬架设计中保持了自己的体重。但是,该项目在今年早些时候又遇到了另一个争议faulty concrete tests。这笔50亿美元的新Tappan Zee bridge,由于州长安德鲁·库莫(Andrew Cuomo)所施加的罕见的政治意愿激增(在这种情况下)终于准备开始设计和施工过程,但不在一个之前戏剧性的最后一分钟退出by one of the bidding teams that left many of its members reeling in shock.

今年,Enr还涵盖了新新利luck世纪最历史的项目之一,18luck官网巴拿马运河expansion。Although the main contractor for the third set of locks seems poised to pay liquidated damages for a late completion, the project accomplishments to date are still mind-boggling. The eventual effect on U.S. freight infrastructure will be examined in the final 2012 print issue of ENR.