


Emell Adolphus

Emell Adolphus


Recent bias incident headlines indicate that the better question might be how can employers retain diversity they already have or build it to a new level?

For at least four years, a group of Hispanic women employed by Focus Cos. Group of Nevada (which includes Focus Plumbing, Focus Electric, Focus Concrete, among other companies) reportedly were subjected to unwanted groping, grabbing, threats of violence and other forms of harassment, as detailed in alawsuit filed9月由美国平等就业机会委员会(EEOC)。EEOC说,作为英语理解力有限的移民工人,这些妇女代表了一类脆弱且不断增长的工人,他们常常不知道自己作为员工的权利。

In another EEOC lawsuit上个月提交, a group of Black laborers claim contractor Whiting-Turner created a racially hostile and retaliatory work environment as general contractor on a Google data center project in Clarksville, Tenn. Those in charge on the jobsite reportedly did not call the workers by their names, but by “boy,” “you,” and “m----f-----” according to the suit. Racially offensive graffiti covered jobsite portable bathrooms, and two employees received walking papers after taking their complaints to management.

In many cases, EEOC lawsuits attempt to force-feed companies in how to implement diversity and inclusion policies to protect employees from discrimination and harassment. Pre-litigation settlements in the form of anti-discrimination policies, training or compensation for lost or underpaid wages can stop complaints before they reach the courts.


然后有一些案件像最近针对Hathaway Dinwiddie Construction Co.的案件一样,在去年提起的EEOC诉讼中,黑人和拉丁裔工人声称他们在承包商南加州大学的7亿美元的南加州大学建筑项目上接受了种族冒犯性语言和涂鸦。5月,该公司同意向工人支付72.5万美元的和解,但在一份声明中说,它“肯定地否认”了所有骚扰或任何违反联邦反骚扰法的指控。新利luck对于那些真正觉得在建筑业人士无法修复的文化脱节的工人来说,定居点和否认可能是一种侵蚀真正变化的机会的阴道饰面。

The inaugural建造Inclusion Week上个月几个主要承包商发起的努力试图为行业公司提供一种蓝图,用于理解和编纂他们可以支持多样性,公平性和包容工作人员的方式。

Participating firms have access to materials to help foster a healthy jobsite culture and participate in toolbox talks. Organizers believe that simply the act of participation can send a strong message that bullying and intimidation won’t be tolerated.

Leading by Example

To the organizing group’s credit, several participating contractors have proved they will walk the walk.

Turner Construction last year suspended work on a $1.7-billion Facebook data center project and required all staff to gain anti-bias training when racist graffiti was found—the second time the firm took such steps on a project.



