由微软创始人比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)支持的设计初创公司Terrapower LLC选择在Wyo。凯默勒(Wyo。该公司在2025年11月17日表示,估计项目成本估计为40亿美元。

The firm and its partners had previously narrowed the project location to four set-to-retire coal plant sites in the state for what it said earlier this year would be a $1-billion demonstration project. Sites in Gillette, Glenrock and Rock Springs also were considered.

Terrapower首席执行官Chris Levesque表示,第一家工厂总是更昂贵,而没有提供四倍成本背后的更多细节。他说,该公司希望在怀俄明州的其他前煤炭原始遗址以及美国其他地方(如果建造)将未来的纳特里姆设施的价格降低到10亿美元。




Bechtel还领导一个包括Ge-Hitachi和Terrapower在内的团队去年被巴特尔ergy Alliance, which operates DOE's Idaho National Laboratory, to design and build at the Idaho Falls research site, the first phase of the planned Versatile Test Reactor research facility that will develop advanced nuclear fuels, materials, instruments and sensors.


The project team evaluated Wyoming site options using several factors, including access to existing infrastructure, the physical characteristics of the site, community support and the ability to obtain a license from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The selection still is subject to completing definitive agreements and permitting and licensing support, TerraPower said.


Natrium是GE Hitachi和Terrapower的联合技术,盖茨成立并担任董事长。


The demonstration project, when completed by 2028, will be a fully functioning commercial powerplant to be operated by Rocky Mountain Power, which will use existing energy infrastructure, including connections to the power grid, said Gary Hoogeveen, power company president and CEO, in a press briefing.

它是DOE支持的两个非冷却的小核反应示威之一。有20多家公司正在开发高级反应堆,包括Westinghouse,Holtec International,Nuscale Power和X-Energy。


另外,Power Company Southern Co.宣布了11月18日that it signed an agreement with DOE to demonstrate what it said is the world's first fast-spectrum salt reactor, in collaboration with TerraPower and Idaho National Laboratory. The facility would be built at that research site.

项目团队成员还包括Core Power,Orano Federal Services,Electric Power Research Institute和3M Co.DOE。

The prototype, which uses a different reactor design than TerrraPower's Wyoming plant, could be adapted to support a 720-MW commercial scale reactor, Southern Co. says.