The Biden administration's US Commerce Dept. on Nov. 24 followed through with expected anti-dumping and countervailing duties on Canadian softwood lumber producers, placing tariffs of 17.99% on their imports, more than twice the rate of 8.99% during the Trump administration.

“这些不合理的关税伤害加拿大communities, businesses, and workers," said Mary Ng, Canada's minister of international trade, in a sharply worded statement. "They are also a tax on U.S. consumers, raising the costs of housing, renovations, and rentals at a time when housing affordability is already a significant concern for many."


"While lumber is much more important to single-family construction than multifamily, it is a significant cost element for many projects, such as remodeling projects and decks or other additions to restaurants," said Ken Simonson, chief economist for the Associated General Contractors of America. "A doubling of this tariff will only prolong the extreme price increases that have hit lumber repeatedly over the past 18 months."

However, U.S. lumber producers welcomed the stiffer penalties on what they have alleged for more than a decade was unfair competition due to government subsidies by Canada to its mills and producers.



不列颠哥伦比亚省木材贸易委员会主席苏珊·尤尔科维奇(Susan Yurkovich)表示:“由于美国生产商仍无法满足国内需求,这些职责是边境两边大流行后复苏的威胁。”“我们强烈的希望是,美国行业将结束这几十年的诉讼,而是与我们合作满足对世界想要的低碳木材产品的需求,包括美国家庭。”


American producers insist that such subsidies create an unfair market advantage for their northern neighbors. The Canadian producers have pointed to the 2020 period of the latestreport对于国会而言,不公平,因为当时所有公用事业都因大流行而获得更高的补贴时,设定了该期间使用的费率。