
That assessment differs from that of Georgia Power, which recentlyupdatedits estimated completion dates for Vogtle’s Unit 3 and Unit 4 to the third quarter of 2022, and the second quarter of 2023, respectively.


两家外部监视器 - 一个PSC“员工”团队,其中包括该州的独立建筑监视器William Jacobs,以及由Donald Grace代表的单独的Vogtle监视小组,对公用事业计划的估算值进行了。取而代之的是,他们在最新的估计中分别同意,第3单元可能在2022年12月至2023年2月之间完成,而第4单元将在2023年11月至2024年2月之间实现这一里程碑。


例如,Jacobs证词记录了项目的一致日程游击历史,并指出“第3单元时间表继续以近一个月的速度延长……每个日历月的工作月。”例如,雅各布斯(Jacobs)在2021年8月指出,南部核公司(Southern Nuco.

Thetestimonysubmitted by Jacobs further noted trouble identifying a foundational element of all major construction projects, the critical path, which is “difficult to determine” for Unit 3.

Instead of a single critical path, the monitor says, “Unit 3 has many ‘near critical paths’ … that are within hours of each other, so the primary critical path changes from day to day.” The Jacobs testimony listed eight “near critical paths,” including such items as “completion of construction and testing of the Passive Containment Cooling System” and “completion of electrical rework in the Main Control Room.”

在他的证词中优雅asserted that “the primary root cause of the recently identified construction quality issues is due to SNC not adhering to the principle” of working to a schedule that is both “realistic and understood.”

Both monitors noted the negative effects of an attempt to identify and repair leaks within the Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) that ended up damaging the equipment and requiring months of remediation work.


