A 48-unit condominium building in Waukesha, Wis., that was in imminent threat of collapse due to a rusted structural frame and columns has had its residents evacuated.


65 residents were ordered to evacuate immediately from the building that was originally constructed in 1966.

McGuire Contractors, Inc., of Pewaukee, Wis., was called in to temporarily stabilize the six-story building with new steel bracing.

Steve McGuire, president, said his company provided lateral bracing for a column that had rusted. He said other columns also have deteriorated.

“The building is not safe to be in, even with the temporary bracing,” he said.



He said he was not sure how long the steel should have lasted, according to the original building specifications, “but it is longer than 55 years.”

In a news conference Friday, Fire Chief Steve Howard said the column that needed to be braced is on the side of the building and had two balconies attached to it at multiple points throughout its length.

Removing the balconies revealed that the bracing was insufficient.






In June of 2020 the city received a complaint about the conditions of the balconies and ordered them not to be used by residents. It also ordered that structural issues with the balconies be remedied, and ordered the owner to conduct an engineering analysis and provide it to the city.


In September, the city ordered fencing installed around the building due to the worsening condition of the balconies and falling debris from the structure.

A month later, the condo association began removing the balconies, which revealed deficiencies of the structural frame of the building as well as the columns. Additional inspections by fire department, the city’s third-party, independent structural engineer, and the engineer for the building were done throughout November.



Howard said the city’s decision to evacuate the building was not influenced by the collapse in June of a wing of Champlain Towers South, a 12-story condominium complex in Surfside, Fla. Ninety-eight people were killed in the collapse.


Waukesha市管理员Kevin Lahner没有回复电话或电子邮件。霍华德周一说,他不会在当天在Horizo​​n West上进一步评论。