丰田汽车公司(Toyota Motor Corp.Motor Co ..及其韩国电池合作伙伴SK创新,以在佐治亚州建造类似的工厂。

The facility will be Toyota's first battery plant in North America. It will support the firm's 14 auto manufacturing plants in the U.S. and Canada.

Toyota’s batteries are currently built in Japan and China, company spokesman Aaron Fowles told ENR. The new batteries will be used at Toyota’s 10 U.S. automotive plants so the critical component will be close to vehicle production, he said. The company uses its own battery technology.

The plant, to be built at the 1,800-acre Greensboro-Randolph Megasite on the border of Randolph and Greensboro counties, will have four production lines when it comes online in 2025—each line capable of delivering enough lithium-ion batteries for 200,000 vehicles. Another two production lines will be added at an undisclosed time and eventually will generate battery production for 1.2 million vehicles per year.

The project is part of a $3.4 billion investment in the U.S. for auto battery development that Toyota announced in October.

Toyota did not provide information on companies selected to design and build the plant.

Toyota Motor North America的首席执行官Ted Ogawa说:“流动性的未来是电气化,而格林斯伯勒 - 兰多夫巨石是使未来成为现实的理想场所。”选择该站点的一个因素是访问可再生能源。该公司表示,丰田致力于在电池厂使用100%可再生能源。

重新倡议总裁Harry Moser告诉ENR,大流行刺激了将制造业转移到美国的趋势。新利luck他说:“重新投资和外国直接投资从2010年的6,000个工作岗位增加到2020年的160,000个工作岗位,预计2021年预计将有220,000多个工作岗位,这是有史以来最高的。”Moser说,每项新工作的平均资本投资为100万美元。

About 1,800 companies, both foreign and domestic, in 2021 plan to establish additional manufacturing in the U.S, with the number of U.S. companies returning manufacturing to their home market outpacing foreign direct investment by 24%, the Reshoring Initiative says.

A survey by Area Development magazine found that 22% of auto industry CFOs plan to bring back manufacturing plants to the U.S. “The largest driving force is companies realizing the cost and risks of offshoring,” Moser says, with the trend also driven by U.S.-China geopolitics, he says, noting that some companies fear China will refuse to ship parts to the U.S.

Auto industry jobs that are returning to the U.S.are largely related to the manufacture of electric vehicle battery production, the reshoring group says. But it’s not without controversy.

The Biden Administration proposes to give an extra $4,500 electric vehicle tax credit to union-made vehicles in the U.S., prompting an outcry from vehicle manufacturers abroad.

The European Union and others said the union-based tax credit would violate international trade rules and undermine the efforts of foreign producers to expand the U.S. electric vehicle market, and would undercut the administration’s climate goals.

While Toyota Motor North America, based in Plano, Texas, considers itself a U.S. company, it says the additional tax credit for union-made vehicles by Ford, GM and Chrysler sends the message that having more electric vehicles on the road is secondary to promoting unionization.

“Let the American consumer choose the best electric vehicle and let’s make fighting climate change the priority,” the company said in a statement.

Cody Lusk, CEO of the American International Automobile Dealers Association says the $4,500 United Auto Workers-only tax credit is an insult to the 673,000 Americans who work for international manufacturers and dealerships.


“Electric companies are investing more than $3 billion to deploy charging infrastructure and accelerate electric transportation,” says a group of more than 50 investor-owned electric companies that recently formed the National Electric Highway Coalition.