Bahr Al Baqar Water Treatment Plant

Sinai, Egypt




LEAD CONTRACTOR:The Arab Contractors and Orascom Construction Joint Venture

咨询工程师:Acciona Agua; AAW Consulting Engineers

埃及’s Lake Manzala, on the northeastern edge of the Nile Delta and the tip of the Sinai Peninsula, has a long and storied history. For centuries, it has provided a steady supply of fish—and a livelihood—for local fisherman. Over the past several decades, however, an unpalatable brew of industrial waste, sewage, agricultural runoff and pesticides coming from Cairo, Port Said and surrounding areas have polluted the lake and decimated fish and wildlife populations.

At a time when Egypt is facing significant water scarcity and what the United Nations calls a potential “water crisis” by 2050, the country’s government is making a concentrated effort to address both the environmental degradation of Lake Manzala and concerns about water scarcity. Additionally, the government is working to develop the Sinai Peninsula—currently underpopulated—into an appealing place to live and work.

这些努力包括建造淡化厂和其他治疗厂,包括最近完成的Al Mahsama水开用厂(2020年全球最佳项目)。新利luck

A new advanced wastewater reclamation facility built in less than two years—the Bahr Al Baqar Treatment Plant—will further the Egyptian government’s aims.



Scott Hilling的地图,Enr新利luck

This year, the Guinness Book of World Records recognized the 650,000-sq-ft Bahr Al Baqar facility as the largest wastewater plant in the world, based on the sheer amount of water that will travel through it. The plant processes 64.8 cu m of water per second, enough to provide the average annual use for one resident in less than 9 minutes. It also is the world’s biggest sludge treatment facility, Guinness says.

这项耗资7.39亿美元的快速轨道项目按时完成,按预算完成,达到了在埃及2030年的国家议程以及联合国的可持续发展目标中建立的目标,其中包括确保为所有人提供清洁水和卫生设施。该项目的首席顾问Hazem Saleh说:“这是一种触及人民日常生活的项目”,并提供了真正的,有形的好处。

Bahr Al Baqar Water Treatment Plant
Bahr Al Baqar Water Treatment Plant

Photos courtesy Arab Contractors Co.


Waste and wastewater from the region enter the lake via the 106-km Al Baqar drainage canal, which has the dubious distinction of being one of the most polluted drainage systems in the country, according to a 2018 report from Port Said University.

下水道建于1914年,允许一个小正在t of agricultural runoff to enter the lake, but it was never intended to receive the level of waste and wastewater that now passes through it. Although much of the water that leaves the drain has traditionally been used for agricultural irrigation, the quality of that water has worsened. Multiple studies have shown that pollution from the drain has affected not only Lake Manzala’s water quality but public health as well.

Bahr Al Baqar Water Treatment Plant

埃及正在以轻快的速度改变西奈半岛的景观。黄昏时图所示的Bahr Al Baqar水处理厂是该国半岛发展计划的一部分计划之一。
Photo courtesy Arab Contractors Co.

The Bahr Al Baqar treatment plant’s main goal is to repurpose the water coming from the drain to be usable for irrigation along the Suez Canal. As a result, the amount of water needed for drinking water supplies will be reduced.

“We have to accept that our water resources are limited, so we have to focus on the optimum use of such resources…. We’re working to save two billion cubic meters that used to get wasted in the sea,” Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi said at the inauguration ceremony Sept. 27.

Water from the drain will be treated in the new plant, then distributed through a network of tunnels that cross under and alongside the Suez Canal, and used primarily for irrigation.


For the construction and design team, the project presented a daunting challenge: to build the world’s largest water treatment plant in under 24 months during COVID-19.

“项目的持续时间非常紧密,但是我们团队内部的[强大]协调与我们的合作伙伴导致了该项目的完成。” Arab Contractors Co.的董事长兼首席执行官Sayed Farouk及时完成了该项目的完成。合资企业建设团队说。

施工于2019年9月开始,于2021年5月完成。在此期间,超过6,000名工人每天进行三个不同的班次工作,记录了超过300万工人。来自九个国家的专家虚拟沟通,并使用BIM建模来保持该项目的步伐。Khatib&Alami发言人本杰明·汤普森(Benjamin Thompson)表示,由于越过苏伊士运河的工作涉及越过苏伊士运河,因此必须仔细协调材料和物资的交付。

Bahr Al Baqar Water Treatment Plant

Photo courtesy Khatib & Alami

Bahr Al Baqar Water Treatment Plant

Photo courtesy Arab Contractors Co.

The project team suggested the location of the facility be moved to avoid losing arable land to the buildings. That required placing piling under the concrete foundation (left). At right, the intake pumps bring in polluted water from the drain.

Green Features

Tarek Amin, board member for the construction joint venture, says the project team worked to develop solutions that fit clients’ needs. “This was not a one-size-fits-all” project,” he says. “We customize our solutions in order to fit every case.”

For example, the original site earmarked for the facility was on the west side of the Suez Canal, but because that land had the potential to be arable, the team suggested building on the east side instead.


Additionally, the team installed 16,000 sq m of solar drying units to dry the sludge coming out of the plant’s centrifuge by an additional 50%. “We are using very little power because we are using the sunlight,” says Ehab Gerges, joint venture project director. That, in turn, reduced the sludge drying area requirements and the plant’s environmental footprint.

The solar drying system is the first to be installed in Egypt and is one of the largest of its kind in the world. Most of the dried sludge will be reused as fertilizer or for industrial purposes, Gerges says.

Moving Forward


Hazem Saleh, project lead consultant, notes the treatment plant can serve as a model for future, similar projects and that the exchange of information about technical innovations can only help further the industry. The project team is currently working on another mega water project not far from the Bahr Al Baqar treatment facility.

新植物是一种农业废水处理厂,甚至比Bahr al Baqar大。萨利赫说,该团队将继续使用Bahr Al Baqar从未来项目中学到的教训。18luck官网“我们生活在一个星球上……。我们不想使人们的生活复杂化;我们希望解决方案容易,可持续,可复制,并且可以做到。”他说。