Laúca Hydropower Plant

Cacuso, Angola


所有者:Gamek -Gabinete de aproveritamento doMédioKwanza

领先的设计公司:Intertechne Consultores S.A.

EPC CONTRACTOR:OEC Odebrecht Engenharia&Construção

MEP工程师:Andritz Hydro GmbH

SUBCONTRACTORS:Elecnor S.A.; Andritz; Bardella; Sistechne

The $1.4-billion electromechanical portion of the Kwanza River dam project includes a power plant with an installed capacity of 2,070 MW.

它有六台主要的334兆瓦涡轮机,每台由单个水进水隧道喂食,通过大约2 km的岩石进行了挖掘,还有一个额外的66兆瓦涡轮机旁边是大坝旁边,以利用维护生物多样性所需的水流在大坝和主要强国之间的河中。

The plant doubled Angola’s clean energy production capacity and now accounts for 47% of power consumed on the country’s national grid. It has eliminated the need for daily power rotations in Luanda, the Angolan capital.

“The project brought stability to power supply and drastically reduced blackouts, substantially reduced the consumption of fossil fuels, supported the country’s economic development and improved the quality of life of more than 8 million people,” says Matheus Gontijo, Odebrecht Engenharia & Construção contract manager.

hydropower plant

Photo courtesy Matheus Macedo (OEC)


hydropower plant

Photo courtesy Antonio Peyneau (OEC)

