英国最大的私人建筑公司Laing O’Rourke于11月29日表示,其联合创始人和45年的首席执行官说Ray O’Rourke明年9月将留下这个角色。它被命名为他的继任者Seamus French, a division CEO of Anglo American plc, a U.K.-based multinational mining firm.

He takes the new CEO job under a three-year contract, Laing O’Rourke said.

French, who has been a board member of the contractor since 2020, joins the contractor in January as managing director of its Europe business until the succession. Ray O’Rourke will remain a deputy chair with his brother Des, who also founded the firm in 1978.

Seamus French

Seamus French

Ray O’Rourke told investors and analysts last summer that the firm would seek to complete an initial public offering by 2024, with U.K. market observers linking that to French’s hire from Anglo-American, which is publicly traded.

Laing O’Rourke ChairmanSir John Parker化学工程师法国人说,“拥有丰富工程经验的世界一流高管……以及对我们的运营市场的深入了解”。

AlsoRebecca Hanleywas named Managing Director of the firm's Australian business. Currently Group Director of Strategy and Transformation and leader of Laing O’Rourke’s R&D operations, she takes the role in April to succeedCathal O’Rourke,the son of Ray. He remains a non-executive board member.

Laing O’Rourke报告了其截至今年3月的年度收入约为33亿美元,这比上一年持平。

Among the firm's major U.K. projects are the Hinkley Point nuclear power plant, the Crossrail and HS2 rail lines and Thames Tideway sewage tunnel in London.

One market analyst said the contractor’s offsite fabrication operation was the most advanced in the U.K. construction sector and could be a company differentiator, according to the Financial Times. The firm told analysts it expects to grow revenue to about $5.3 billion by 2025.

The LiRo Group, Syosset, N.Y., named罗伯特·杨高级副总裁兼建筑业务部门负责公司的设计服务,计划管理,内饰规划和建筑管理。以前是STV的建筑主管,他还曾担任Grimshaw的副校长。

LiRo also namedPanagiotis “Peter” Koklanos作为高级副总裁领导其民用工程集团。他是迈凯轮工程集团的前副总裁。