Suffolk Technologies hosted its second annual Boost Demo Day earlier this month at its Boston headquarters. The venture capital and technology investment arm of Boston-based contractor and real estate firm Suffolk started the Boost program to bring construction technology startups together to expand their networks and raise funding.

6个创业公司在绿色建筑工作,robotics, design, supply chain, marketplace and finance technology spaces showcased their companies to potential investors on Demo Day after going through Suffolk's accelerator program. Over the course of six weeks the startups worked with Suffolk operational personnel, consultants, industry leaders and academics to refine their products. This year’s accelerator selected its finalists from more than 100 applicants, a 20% larger applicant pool than last year. The finalists from the 2020 Suffolk Boost raised more than $100 million collectively from investors.

萨福克技术公司的运营总监帕克·蒙特(Parker Mundt)在一份声明中说:“我们为提供一项旨在加速建筑行业的创新和增长的计划而感到自豪,这一行业通常会很慢。”

The Boost program includes lectures and panel discussions given by Suffolk leaders, professors at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Suffolk Technologies portfolio company founders. Startups also get dedicated time with the Suffolk CoLab Construction Solution directors, who will partner with the finalists and potentially test their solutions on Suffolk project sites.

Partnering with MIT’s Center for Real Estate, Bain Capital Ventures, RXR Realty, Liberty Mutual Insurance, Hilti, Ninefour Ventures, Romulus Capital, Procore Technologies, EquipmentShare and OpenSpace allowed leaders from these organizations to participate in brainstorm sessions and discussions with the startups.


Alon Geva, CEO of WINT, called the program “instrumental” to his company’s growth plans. WINT uses artificial intelligence to detect and stop water leaks at the source by alerting users when water is leaking and automatically shutting off the water. Geva said the program taught his team how to be more “effective” and they are “excited to grow our operation and drive the reduction of water damage on projects throughout the country.”

其他companies participating in this year's Demo Day included:

  • 土壤连接,一个数字平台专注于数十亿美元的土壤和汇总行业。它的平台是为挖掘机,承包商,建筑商,园丁和其他定期与土壤和骨料合作的建筑专业人士创建的。该平台将拥有土壤和聚集的人与需要的人联系起来。
  • nyfty,一个AI Intelligence Bot,可以解决施工站点上的通信问题,自动执行任务,例如日常报告,人力计数和施工空间中的其他流程。
  • felux,金属行业的数字市场,供应链和采购平台,提供一种简单的方式来采购,交易,资金和管理您的业务。
  • 莫西翁,它生产移动能源存储技术并经营全电动设备租赁业务,为建筑,电气运输,活动和娱乐,电影制作和电信等行业的客户提供干净的临时功率服务。Moxion的技术和垂直整合的业务模型为化石燃料发电机提供了第一个可行的替代方案。
  • 坚固的机器人技术,一家具有自动驾驶汽车的机器人公司,可将A/E完全协调的A/E直接设计到未完成的地板上。