Gallaudet University is planning to redevelop the Neal Street Parcel 2 at 6th St. NE & Florida Ave. NE, Morse Street and Neal Place NE. The $50-million project is expected to start in March. It includes two structural steel buildings, each six stories above grade and one story below grade. The 300,000-sq-ft project includes 236 residential units, 201 below-grade vehicular spaces and 121 bicycle spaces. The project also includes almost 25,000 sq ft of retail and more than 15,000 sq ft for university use. Eric Colbert Associates is the architect. The project’s redesign was under review at press time. A zoning modification is filed for the campus plan extension through 2027. Gallaudet University, Attn: Sam Swiller, RE & Development, 800 Florida Ave. NE, Washington, D.C., 20002-3600. DR#201400668952v23.

Douglas Development Corp. hopes to build a mixed-use project at 1400 First St. NE, at New York Ave NE. The $90-million design-bid-build project is expected to start in March. The project includes one reinforced-concrete building 14 stories above grade and two below grade, totaling 520,000 sq ft. It also includes 557 units, 10,280 sq ft of ground-floor retail, 264 vehicular parking spaces and 120 bicycle storage spaces. Zoning adjustments have been approved. The schedule at press time was yet to be determined. HOK is the architect. Douglas Development Corp., 655 New York Ave. NW, Washington, D.C., 20001-4593. DR#202100461716v4.


The City of Baltimore Dept. of Public Works plans to undertake the Patapsco Waste Water Treatment Plant Headworks Facilities Improvements BPM026824. The up to $75-million design-bid-build project is expected to begin in March. The deadline to bid is 11 a.m. on Jan. 19, 2022. The city is serving as its own architect on the project. City of Baltimore Dept. of Public Works, Attn: Cynthia Harry, 200 Holliday St., Rm. 6, Baltimore, 21202-3618. DR#201600583459v5.

CSX Transportation Inc.正在为巴尔的摩北大街的North Avenue Bridge准备修改。预计将于3月开始并在2024年7月结束时,最高可达5000万美元的设计建设项目。该地点将通过用单跨的单跨,浅层钢梁桥来实现该地点的清关更改为北大街道路的个人资料。预计与巴尔的摩市,Amtrak和马里兰州公交管理局的协调。CSX计划使用两步设计构建竞争选择过程和两相协商的合同。选定的设计构建者将在第1阶段推进设计,以使当事方能够就阶段2的保证最高价格合同进行谈判。对于2022年第一季度的提案。15,佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔,3202-4423。DR#202100840702V3。