
The $120.5-million project has been in a state of flux since its March groundbreaking, as a severe materials and labor shortage constantly shifts delivery times and work orders. The Ogden/Weber State University Bus Rapid Transit line will link the Utah city’s downtown light-rail station with McKay-Dee Hospital via Weber State University. The route brings multiple stakeholders to the project, including the Federal Transit Administration and the city of Ogden as well as the hospital and the university.

WSU的大部分项目中的大部分部分,其一英里的公交车道和两个为28,000名学生提供服务的车站都在整个夏季完成。项目经理Maverick Gibbons在总承包商Stacy和Witbeck Inc.项目经理Maverick Gibbons说,校园部分的紧迫期限,物质需求和丘陵地点提出了独特的挑战。该地区的不同海拔需要大量的混凝土挡土墙,小路和楼梯。


Crews worked six or seven days a week on campus throughout the summer to finish the landscaping and concrete placement and build two bus stations, multiple plazas and a duck pond. The heaviest work on this part of the project needed to be completed for fall 2021 classes. “We had three months to essentially demolish all [the outside areas] of central campus and then build it back,” Gibbons says.

Ogden BRT Line




“The more people got interested, the more they wanted,” Gibbons says.

除了大学外,项目团队还有其他四个主要利益相关者需要考虑。大部分路线涵盖了犹他州运输部或奥格登市拥有的道路。新车站之一位于麦凯 - 迪医院的入口处,建筑活动可能会严重影响其运营。吉本斯说,这座50英尺长的公交车站为该项目增添了艺术才能,金属檐篷和预制混凝土柱设计旨在模仿山地悬崖。

BRT Line


建筑也开始在项目acq之前uired all of the most desirable rights-of-way, says Andrea Pullos, UTA project manager of capital construction.



Quarterly meetings offer contractors additional financial awards for jobs well done, such as the extensive demolition to make way for new stations and bus lanes.




吉本斯说:“根据您获得的分数,您可以拿回钱。”“我们称之为我们的绩效评论。这不仅是客户,而且是城市,州,大学和医院,告诉我们他们喜欢什么以及我们可以做得更好。这是一种不同的合作方式 - 更加亲密,而且非常坦率。”

The project itself remains on track for an August 2023 opening and is about a third completed, Gibbons says. Flexibility is key to overcoming challenges with traffic, materials and labor. “We’ve touched every piece of this route, but there’s nothing 100% complete.”




For Paul Franzen, work on the bus line project has been a juggling act.

ACME Con​​struction总裁有助于采购和放置该项目的7,000立方英尺混凝土,这一任务因持续的物质短缺而复杂。Acme大约是该项目混凝土部分的一半,并且继续困难地找到足够的人力和混凝土。

“Before COVID, we could call the day before or even the day of the job and say we need concrete at a certain time—no problem,” Franzen says. “Now we have to order concrete a week in advance, and there’s a waiting list.”



Organization is key, says Franzen, who also points to the hard work of concrete supplier Jack B. Parson Ready Mix. Sometimes if the available concrete runs short, the team will shift a delivery to another location to keep the work going.


Construction began before the project team had acquired all of the most desirable rights-of-way, prompting the team to develop creative incentives to get the best properties and most efficient corridors.

But shifting deliveries can cause additional issues. WSU selected a Parson proprietary mix for its portion of the project, a concrete that is more durable and resistant to cracking due to the area’s freeze-thaw cycle. “If we order that mix and then end up going somewhere else that doesn’t require it, that adds another variable,” Franzen says.


Despite the challenges, Gibbons credits the project’s continued momentum to strong partnerships among the stakeholders, owner and contractor as well as the 26 subcontractors involved. “You would think with five stakeholders, and four of them not the client, they’re going to want stuff for free. You would think that would be super challenging,” Gibbons says. “But everybody worked together well. If it wasn’t for all the COVID-related issues, this would be a pretty smooth project.”