总部位于丹佛的组织沃伦村(Warren Village)为低收入单亲家庭提供住房,计划将其计划服务扩展到新收购的土地上的第三个设施。该校园将提供74家负担得起的公寓房屋,高质量的早期学习中心,游乐场,社区花园和户外聚会空间。


A/E Firm Mead & Hunt Acquires Colorado-Based Ambient Energy

Mead & Hunt, a full-service national architectural-engineering firm, has acquired Ambient Energy Inc., a Colorado-based firm specializing in commissioning, energy analysis and sustainable design services. The move allows Mead & Hunt to expand its sustainability services while also giving Ambient Energy a larger platform to serve current and future clients.

Founded in 2004, Ambient Energy’s focus has been on helping clients achieve resilient, regenerative and sustainable goals in new and existing buildings, improving occupant comfort and reducing utility bills. The firm serves diverse markets, including aviation, transportation, K-12 and higher education, laboratory, multifamily, federal and state facilities.


Cherry Creek Project Water Authority(CCPWA)最近在科罗拉多州弗兰克敦(Franktown)的1180万沃克水库项目中打破了地面,以增强当地水资源。该项目由斯坦特克堡柯林斯堡办公室(Fort Collins)办公室领导,将把一个废弃的砾石坑变成扩展的功能性水库,为地区居民提供可持续的水上未来。工作将包括当前场地的挖掘和重新布置,以及周围周围的泥浆截止墙的设计和安装,以提供补充的原水。完成后,Walker水库将能够储存多达1,000英亩的水。

USAFA重命名工程大楼以纪念Arthur Witters

Arthur Witters and Dwight Eisenhower

In 1961, Arthur Witters (center, with pointer) became chief of the Air Force’s architectural division. A year later, he was named consultant for the design of the new Cadet Chapel at USAFA.
Image courtesy of Richard Witters

“Col. Arthur Witters not only answered his nation’s call to serve in a time of war, but it seems he was destined to play a major role in establishing the United States Air Force Academy.”
- USAFA基础工程师Jeremy Oldham中校

美国空军学院已重命名为纪念该机构的工程开拓者之一的支持大楼。在10月14日的仪式上,亚瑟·W·维特斯(Arthur G. Witters)土木工程楼的命名是为了纪念Witters,USAFA的第一位土木工程师和校园的主要设计师。他于2011年去世。

Witters, a fighter pilot in WWII, did his master’s thesis on the academy in 1948, was on the academy board during planning of the campus and drafted the congressional bill, Public Law 325, which officially established the new Air Force Academy. The legislation eventually was signed by President Dwight Eisenhower on April 1, 1954. For several years, Witters was the only person authorized to testify before Congress on Air Force Academy matters, which he did a total of 22 times.


ITDwon awards in the following categories:

  • 环境,用于建造野生动物保护区,作为爱达荷州中南部的桥梁项目的一部分。18luck官网
  • 高速公路,用于Coeur d'Alene的宾夕法尼亚大道立交桥项目。
  • Highway Traffic Safety, for the I-84 Traffic Corridor Safety and Commerce Enhancement project.

“Over the past 12 years, the culture has shifted at ITD to a workplace where employees are encouraged to innovate, collaborate and make decisions as close as possible to where the work is being done,” said Brian Ness, ITD director. “Our team has embraced this philosophy. The end results are award-winning projects that improve customer service for the citizens of Idaho.”

Under Ness, ITD has won 20 AASHTO President’s Awards, more than any other state.


Galloway & Co., a national architecture and engineering firm headquartered in Denver, has acquired Utah-based JRCA Architects. JRCA is known for its design of health care, public works and public safety facilities as well as government and justice centers. The firm’s work in these markets will complement Galloway’s portfolio in the commercial, multifamily, industrial and federal markets.




The city’s public works and natural resources department and its consultants CGRS Inc. and Carollo Engineers won the award for the Biogas Treatment and Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) Fueling Station project, a groundbreaking resource recovery and reuse system that treats and converts biogas produced at the city’s wastewater treatment plant into RNG for vehicle fuel. This project is the first of its kind along the Front Range.